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Reply 1
Watch a funny series (Friends on DVD?) before you go to bed and go to bed earlier?
Talk about the thing that is getting you down. Set yourself achievable goals. Cut down on caffeine. Develop haelthier sleeping/eating patterns. Sing. Dance. Exercise. Take a long bath. Do something productive.

Obvioulsy the ideal solution is to fing the cause and eliminate and although this can be to do with diet or hormones. Often it is something you need to deal with in your life by talking about the problem and releasing the emotion.

I hope this helps. Depression is tough!
Reply 3
Strangely, I'm the opposite in that I feel depressed in the morning and joyful at night time. :biggrin:
Reply 4
Talk about the thing that is getting you down. Set yourself achievable goals. Cut down on caffeine. Develop haelthier sleeping/eating patterns. Sing. Dance. Exercise. Take a long bath. Do something productive.

Obvioulsy the ideal solution is to fing the cause and eliminate and although this can be to do with diet or hormones. Often it is something you need to deal with in your life by talking about the problem and releasing the emotion.

I hope this helps. Depression is tough!

exercise is a major help. I took up a martial arts, and it made me feel alot better.
Reply 5
grow and nurture a plant :smile:. Exercise regularly is another tactic, try not to dwell on matters, and talking to people is one of the best ways. Get a good nights sleep.
Interaction with people is the best form of getting out of such a depressive state of mind. i.e. I bet when your at work/uni you probably don't act or think in a depressing way
go for a jog before bed. Exercise makes u happy :smile:
try it, it works for me i feel really miserable some days and after i come back from a jog it helps. Anyway doctors are now encouraged to recommend exercise for mild depression.
Reply 8
Thanks for the advice guys, I already go for regular runs down by the lakeside, and I spend alot of time talking to other people (well, listening, but its contact), but Ill give the diet thing a shot.
Any other advice?
Sometimes you've just got to grit your teeth and bear it.

I still suffer from some depression and I'm very good at dealing with it.
I spend alot of time talking to other people (well, listening, but its contact), .
Any other advice?

dont take on everyone elses problemsthat only makes the problem worse, make sure people have time for you (and not so they can talk at great length) and dont feel silly when you talk about whats upsetting you.
Reply 11
I'm serious about the plant.
apple tree
I'm serious about the plant.

Aww.. You made me laugh. Bless you and your plant! Hehe!
depression is really scary....&moreso if gone untreated. see a doctor - seriously, if it's not just feeling a bit down.
I would pay a visit to your doctor. I suffer from depression, and I went to visit my GP. She was lovely and very understanding and referred me to a mental health community worker. (I went ot the doctor first of all, to discuss my OCD problems, and then when I went to see the community health worker, we also found out that I had depression).

Depression can be a serious illness if left untreated. That doesn't necessarily mean that you have to take medication, as there are alternatives, however, I was put onto anti-depressants, and I can honestly say that I'm feeling a lot brighter, however, medication does not work for everyone, so discuss other methods with your GP too :smile:
Ok, cut a long story short, anyone got any ideas on how to get myself out of this spiral which is depression?
It seems to come on most at night.

I really dont want to go to the doctors about it, but really need to get myself out of it.

Anyone got any methods they can reccommend?


I can appreciate what you're going through, my own depression 18 months ago was drug-induced, no matter what i did, exercise, watch films/comedies to cheer me up, improve diet etc...nothing worked - because of drug roaccutane. In your situation, do try and eat healthily, get outdoors, just go for a relaxing walk, have a radox soaked bath with some sweet ambience in the background - i strongly advise the guillemots and sigar ros currently. Exercise really does help, maybe do more than a brisk walk, a nice slow jog tends to get rid of low depressive feelings, cut out alcohol completely if you can as its a depressive itself...if you feel quite lonely, text, phone your mates, try and socialize abit as alienating yourself (further) doesn't help you, also keeping in touch with people you know, you feel increasingly secure and content that at least you have people around you who give a **** about you...occasionally go for chocolate, 'comfort food', it releases serotonin which fights things that engineer depression *i think*.

If you struggle to make positive progress, go to the doctors, but don't stay too long in this spiral, and there is depression and depression, whichever one you may be at/in. :smile:

I have mild depression frequently and just fight it through doing some of the above - i think i inherited a depression gene from someone or other :frown: , but it doesn't pose real problems as i don't allow it to escalate beyond mild....
oh I get depressed at night too cos at night is when I reflect on things and my thoughts almost always drift to my ex boyfriend. maybe you're doing the same thing...and if you are, shut all negative thought out. that's what I do.
i have terrible trouble getting to sleep at night too, i get really worked up about things.. i usually just watch a dvd to try and push all my thoughts out of my head, then by the end of the film i find i've calmed down a lot. obviously thats just a short term solution though, as a long term strategy its probably best to deal with real issue by talking to someone... dont be afraid to talk to your doctor, they wont make you do anything you dont want to do, such as take medication, and they can refer you to a counsellor if you like, so you can work out methods of dealing with your mood swings. you've got nothing to lose just by explaining your symptoms and finding out what sort of help is available.
Does caffiene induce depression?
Reply 19
Try not to think about whats getting you down.