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Yeah It hurt me but it varies amongst people...
dont worry..I hate injections! Just think about something nice and itll be over before you know it!
Reply 2
Well, pain is subjective so it is a hard topic to answer.

But from my experience, the MMR jab has just been like any other I have had. A tiny stingy sensation for about 1 second, and thats it!

It is really nothing to worry about...
Reply 3
injections suck major ass!! I still have to have baby freeze gel on my gums when i go the dentist- I feel like such a loser:frown:
Reply 4
injections suck major ass!! I still have to have baby freeze gel on my gums when i go the dentist- I feel like such a loser:frown:

That's not loser-ish at all. I'm so scared of needles that I don't allow dentists to inject me at all- they just do what they have to do without it and last time I had a blood test I got my doctor to dope me up on valium and still cried for 10 minutes before I let them do it and then wailed and screamed while the needle was in my arm. Makes me feel faint just thinking back to it.
I used to be reeeeally scared of injections but then I had to have about a million blood test over the space of a few weeks and I guess I just got used to it. I still get a bit freaked out when I have to have one if I haven't had one for a while's not that i'm scared of the pain (even though my pain threshold is like zero) it's just the thought of sticking it into my or wherever that really creeps me out - lets just say i had a bad experience...:frown:
I used to scared of them, but now i ahve to have one every 3 months anyway. The MMR is just like other injections, it will sting for a minimal amout of time but you'll live :smile: If it bothers you tell the nurse, and look away
Reply 7
i had it done and it was fine! Didnt hurt at all! Whey im so happy but have to go back for a blood test :s-smilie:
Reply 8
I'm scared about injections too and our MMR booster is on the day of my 5 hour final art exam...... :-S
Reply 9
injections arent as bad as anyone says. its no more painful than pinching yourself. I think its so bad because its out of your control what happens.

MMR has nothing on the BCG!
Reply 10
aww I hate needles... extremely scared of them.. anyway once I got an injection into my leg (forgot why) and I accidentaly contracted my muscle so the needle bent while it was still in me... I remember I couldn't walk properly for several days ... no no needles please..
Reply 11
cool. must have hurt trying to pull it out.

one time I caught a falling cactus and got about 50 invisible needles in my hand. everytime I touched something with it my hand stung, they took ages to come out.
injections arent as bad as anyone says. its no more painful than pinching yourself. I think its so bad because its out of your control what happens.

MMR has nothing on the BCG! BCG was hilarious; there were about 7 different nurses at school and we had to go in as a class...except there's this one nurse who is notorious for hitting blood vessels - me and my mate were the last two and this nurse and one other was free so we kept fighting over who got to go where (in the end i got the scary nurse) but we were both so preoccupied when it actually came down to it i wasn't that bothered and it didn't hurt that bad :smile: (mind you the fact that this really 'macho' boy in front of us fainted three times!)
I had mumps, measels and rubella recently it doesnt hurt and has left no scar. Try not to tense your arm while they are doing it otherwise it can ache afterwards, I have had MMR aswell and it is no worse than any other. The worst thing that happened to me was when i had a blood test with this guy who had never done it before, he was more nervous than i was and dropped one needle and broke another.
Will Grimes1
I had mumps, measels and rubella recently it doesnt hurt and has left no scar. Try not to tense your arm while they are doing it otherwise it can ache afterwards, I have had MMR aswell and it is no worse than any other. The worst thing that happened to me was when i had a blood test with this guy who had never done it before, he was more nervous than i was and dropped one needle and broke another.

...when i was in year 7 i remember sitting in the medical room and all these year 10 kids kept coming in with the blister from their BCG's bleeding or oozing junk...:nurse:...min was fine though - i didn't even get a blister...
^The MMR jab is the mumps, measels and rubella jab...
I've had the BCG and the MMR. none of them hurt me as such, they just felt like a sharp pitch for about 1 sec. I felt like a loser afterwards as I've been worried about them for months. :redface:
Reply 17
I've had the BCG and the MMR. none of them hurt me as such, they just felt like a sharp pitch for about 1 sec. I felt like a loser afterwards as I've been worried about them for months. :redface:

Same! :biggrin: I worry a lot before, especially the last time when they did it in alphabetical order of the forms. It turned out that the second person of 10A (the form before mine) was scared of needles, so started crying, meaning everyone else got nervous in that form and started crying too.

Needless to say, when my form went up next we were all a bit nervous after seeing them come back in floods of tears! It was fine though, and the nurse told me I probably wouldn'y have been able to feel the needle at all if it wasn't such a cold day, meaning everyone's muscles were tense.
Reply 18
my BCG didnt go too arm was too tense and the needle kept poppin back took the nurse three attempts do it :s-smilie:
Reply 19
Someone I know fainted afterwards. He was very small and weedy however.