My exams are starting in just a few weeks, and...well...I'm a bit nervous (bit of an understatement!). I'm trying to revise but with no such luck. It seems everything has decided to happen just as exams are around the corner, and I've no idea what to do.
The fact that I want to go to university alone should be motivation enough, but for some reason, it's not. I've got depression (have had this for yonks) and it's getting worse because I know I'm not motivated enough, and I'm thinking that as it's getting worse, so are my chances for even *being* motivated. And then I get even more down, etc. It's like a huge circle. Also, my physical health isn't exactly at its best (I'm tired all the time, feeling dizzy, getting lots of headaches, etc.). I've been told by my teacher that my health should come first, but I can't really put exams back at this crucial time!
And then there are several problems at college, with various teachers leaving etc. (one left only last term!). We've been told by a teacher or two for a specific subject that we weren't looking at any higher than an E (even though we know we can do better). But with that and the staffing problems, our confidence in our ability for these exams have plummeted, and definitely attributes to the lack of motivation on our part (we think we'll fail, so we don't try, etc.)
Any idea on how to get motivated? My doctor, who I'm seeing about the depression, tells me to "plod along" but considering it's a struggle to even go about daily activities, plodding along doesn't seem good enough, you know? I'm also being told to take a day at a time, but when you've got college and parents talking about university and how important these A Levels are, it's kind of hard to forget the fact that the exams are this big, important part of it, and that everything really rests on them.
If anyone can help, that'll be fantastic!