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still not over this guy i think

Ok, well, just before the easter break i started seeing this guy who I know has liked me for ages and I kind of like him too. I definitely have a bit of crush on him, but now that he is about to return from his holiday I'm not too sure whether I am really over this other guy or not.
This other guy - we never really had a row or anything, after we had a short fling and he was a bit of a dick about it things just got worse between us until we weren't even talking to each other.
A few days ago we made up though and now i keep catching myself daydreaming about him wanting to have me back and telling me break up with my new guy.
Thing is, I don't think he will ever, lol. But I also don't get excited or anything when I'm near him, I don't feel like I have a crush on him when I'm near him or anything.

I just can't work out why I still seem to want him though, but now i'm just really confused about my emotions and don't know what to do.
Will these feelings for the other guy just go away once my new guy is back and there for me? because I would hate to end up hurting him just because I can't forget this other guy. :frown:

sorry all, I'm really, really inexperienced with guys (I'm 20 btw)
Well your only 20 so your still very young to be in a serious relationship, but look at it this way its still early days with the new guy, so why not give that a chance, if he really does like you, then why worry about the other guy who you was with, you say he was a bit of a d*** and you ended up not talking, dont let him influence you over the guy your currently seeing.

But most importantly if you wanna get back with the other guy least ditch the current guy, don't have both on the go because otherwise you will lose both.
Reply 2
oh yeah, I would definitely never have two on a go at once, the last thing i want to do is hurt someone, and that would just be the meanest thing to do.

I suppose I'm just somehow a bit too 'nice' :redface: , I feel guilty just thinking about the other guy and a bit disturbed that I do so too. I don't want to think about him, he was an idiot - on the other hand I think if he did try and get me back I would go for it :eek: . which is why I'm so concerned :frown: . If I really liked my new guy I wouldn't be wasting a second though on the other guy, would I? :confused:

you are probably right though, thanks! I should just try and not let this influence me too much and see how it all turns out...
:redface: thanks for replying, I'm sorry if I seem a little inexperienced and confused
You gotta also think does the current guy your with, does he really like you and i mean does he really like you, is the other guy just trying to worm his way back in?
Reply 4
the guy I'm with now has fancied me since he met me for the first time 7 months ago apparenlty. at least that's what he told me... but he's not clingy or all over me (which is good of course). he doesn't text me constantly or well, very much at all. I do think he cares about me, but not scarily so, hehehe. I mean, we've not been going out for very long and he's been abroad most of the time on holiday.

people have told me that they think the other guy is jealous and that that is what has caused all those problems in the past with us not talking and all. on the surface it does kind of look like jealousy at time, but I can't believe that he still has feelings for me. surely he would have just tried to get back together with me instead of being a complete idiot if he liked me? also he's been kind of distant at times and not wanting me to hug him friendly or anything - but he was a bit like that before we first got together too.
Well i think if i was in your shoes i would stick with the current guy, it does sound like the other guy is jealous and is trying to muscle back in on your life, your current guy sounds decent.
Reply 6
Well i think if i was in your shoes i would stick with the current guy, it does sound like the other guy is jealous and is trying to muscle back in on your life, your current guy sounds decent.

:smile: thanks for the advice. maybe it's not best to listen to your feelings all the time, they are often a bit mad, lol. :redface:
lol very true, you gotta be careful not to let your heart rule your head sometimes.