The Student Room Group

Motivation and Organization...

Help me! Currently cannot find the power button, im just breezin along letting EVERYTHING build up ie college work, finding summer job, finding summer accom, letting sports trainin slide, my room is like a bombsite (yes im usually a neat freak) and about a billion and one other things:frown:

Its driving me nuts yet im not doin anything positive...everything seems like too big an effort, Im overwhelmed i guess:confused:

Some TSR life coaching needed off effective people needed! Are you good at getting things done? What is your advice eg lists (er ok Im abit clueless) and things?

Or are you lazy like moi?:biggrin:
Reply 1
I went through that stage when i finished uni. It lasted for about 6 months but in that time I managed to lose my job and my gf! It's was very fustrating as i had no idea what caused it and to this day still don't. I think setting yourself personal targets helps and more so if you have someone to help reach them with!
Reply 2
I have problems getting things done. However, I find a list is the best for me (it's actually a picture on my PC desktop). I got them in order of priority also so know which to do first. I also limit my time on one thing so I don't get too bored with it.
Help me! Currently cannot find the power button, im just breezin along letting EVERYTHING build up ie college work, finding summer job, finding summer accom, letting sports trainin slide, my room is like a bombsite (yes im usually a neat freak) and about a billion and one other things:frown:

Its driving me nuts yet im not doin anything positive...everything seems like too big an effort, Im overwhelmed i guess:confused:

Some TSR life coaching needed off effective people needed! Are you good at getting things done? What is your advice eg lists (er ok Im abit clueless) and things?

Or are you lazy like moi?:biggrin:

hey, i went through exactly what you're going through a few months ago, but i know what caused it. i only cared about a few things; like my sports and history (lol), but everything else.. pah! now everything is piled up and im having to do soo much catching up.
Stupid question, but is there something on your mind, like stress or something else, that makes you think of anything else BUT what you're meant to be doing? Or are you just lethargic? You might not have any energy because you are weak (physically that is) and might need vitamins or iron..

To get myself back on track (im an organised freak and a perfectionist!) i wrote in my little diary everything i had to do and what my goals were. Seeing that i needed to kill myself to get 3as now, i cant afford to let anything go, cause otherwise i wont go to uni. Maybe if you gave yourself a little 'reality shock' as to what needs to be done instead of just saying casually that you need to do this this and that.. maybe you might get something done. Put yourself daily goals, like you'll finish this past paper and write these notes all today. and dont stop unless you've finished it. be strict with yourself..

hope you get your motivation back on track and good luck with your studies x
Reply 4
I've been going through that phase for about a year now, nothing and i mean nothing motivates me at all. I used to be really happy and motivated now i just cant be arsed with anything!
Thinking about it, it looks like it comes with age, cause i never felt this way before, and were all pretty much the same age here.. so it might be the age? :rolleyes: who knows..:confused:
Maybe it's age. But then some people on my corridor are doing an astounding amount of work (especially considering we've only been back for 3 days).
I see the problem..basically, you are turning into me! I've been like that my whole life and it hasn't really done me any harm, revel in your laziness!