The Student Room Group
Reply 1
1. Frozen peas or sweetcorn (the stuff that ppl only buy for wen sum1 hurts themselves)
2. Burn cream from the pharmacist
3. contact NHS direct
Reply 2
1. Frozen peas or sweetcorn (the stuff that ppl only buy for wen sum1 hurts themselves)
2. Burn cream from the pharmacist
3. contact NHS direct

im guessing pharmacys will have closed by now?
I did that with my knuckle - immediate blistering and I rubbed it off thinking it was something off the oven - oh yeah that hurt...
Reply 4
There are some 24-hours pharmacies, or you could go to a place like Tescos.

Here is an extract from a webpage on the subject-
Cool the injured part with copious amounts of cold water for about 10 minutes to stop the burning and relieve the pain. If water is unavailable, any cold, harmless liquid such as milk or canned drinks will suffice.
Gently remove any jewellery, watches, or constricting clothing from the injured area before it starts to swell.
Cover the injury with a sterile dressing, or any clean, non-fluffy material to protect from infection. A clean plastic bag or kitchen film may be used.

And here's a link to the self help guide for burns/scalds on the NHS' website-

Good luck! I hope you feel better soon. :smile:
I'd recommend NHS Direct or even going to the local A&E if that's not too far?
Reply 6
You're already doing the best thing- cold water- it will hurt when you take it out but don't out anything on it like cream or whatever- as that's really bad. If it needs to be covered- in bed then cling film is your best bet- wet if poss...good luck :smile:
Put some honey on it (seriously).
Reply 8
by accident, i touched the red hot grill with my right hand. my 3 middle fingers have a horrible line blister from where it touched. this was about 3 hours ago, and iv had 2 keep them in ice cold water since. when i take them out, they sting like hell. anybody got any suggestions to kill or num the pain? sorry about the grammar, but with one hand its harder to type a capital.


When i was at school, i touched the corner of a gauze (that you put over tripods when using bunsen burners) after i'd been heating under it cos i forgot which corner, branded my fingers for months. All i can suggest is water, and a lot of it.
Reply 9
Bit late for the water/ice now. You should do that instantly as your skin still cooks after the heat source is removed. Not much you will be able to do for the burn. You best bet is to get a good dressing on it. Burns are a likely spot for infections.

After the initial burn all the water is really going to do is bring temporary pain relief.
Reply 10
If you have any aloe vera plants or gel around the house use that, it's said to work wonders. Just break open the plant and squeeze out the goo :smile:

Just a shame I only got the aloe vera plant in our house AFTER I burnt my finger tips on the cooker :/
Just keep them under cold running water for now and the pain should ease off after a while.
Aloe vera works a charm. My first Chemistry teacher accidentally allowed my test-tube to explode (she had replaced me for because I was too idiotic to know where in a bunsen burner flame I was supposed to stick the bloody thing) and the stuff went all over my hands. I didn't even even get a blister.
Reply 12
Don't get Aloe on your clothes or sheets does NOT come out!

Just gotta stick with pain i am afraid, it is painful but it goes down after a while! No need to go down to hospital (unless you enjoy 4/5 hr waits!)

Reply 13
I shouldnt laugh but i did something similar to myself. 2 years ago i was frying some burgers and tried to stupidly flip them but only spilling the boiling oil on to my 3 fingers (index, middle and ring) on my right hand. I should have kept it under the sink for like 20 minutes but i just didnt bother and only 5 minutes. I put some burns cream and wrapt it up and went to rugby training....bloody hell it was burning. My skin had pealed off and was red raw. And i went for a jog later that week only to completely detach my skin. The following sunday after a rugby game i had to go to hosital as in the game, my mate stamped my foot accidently and i thought i broke it. I got antibiotics and skin started to recover.
Sorry to ramble lol!
Ok from St Johns training i would advice contact with either cold water for like 20 minutes and wrap ice around a tea towel (non fluffy material) and hold it against it. Does the trick as stops the burning of skin in the lower layers as it conducts down hence the increased burning sensation. Also take some ibyprofen (sp?) but i am not a professional medic (yet) so ask your mum first and read the back as this will help reduce the swelling. Take ibyprofen(sp?) on a full stomach as it causes stomach irriation. Also you may want to take paracetamol (again ask your mum). Do not burst the blister as it will most likely get infected.