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well at every school they are supposed to check before you sit at your sixth from is pretty harsh last year people whose books they deemed had too much annotation in them where taken away and replaced with either photocopys or blank books! i advice that you just tip ex it out, your only allowed underlining,highlighting, and single words in the margins! .
Reply 2
Bugger! I've got quite a bit of rubbing out to do, I don't want to risk it. I'm just glad I did them all in pencil! Thanks for the feedback :smile:
hey are you doing as or a2? beacause at a2 were not allowed any book whatsoever which is mean. btw im doing the ocr exams
Reply 4
I'm doing AS and A2 with AQA Syllabus A. The only books we're allowed for the A2 exams is for the Literary Connections module.
Reply 5
well at every school they are supposed to check before you sit at your sixth from is pretty harsh last year people whose books they deemed had too much annotation in them where taken away and replaced with either photocopys or blank books! i advice that you just tip ex it out, your only allowed underlining,highlighting, and single words in the margins! .

well im ****ed then!
They never check anyone's books at my school, so I don't know if anyone goes in with loads of annotations, but they'd get away with it if they did. I had quite a few, lots of underlining and writing on each page, and some small spider diagrams on the blank pages at the back.
Reply 7
Does anyone know whether you're allowed annotations for AS AQA B? Our teacher hasn't mentioned it, so I've been wary of doing it. (It's also a pretty long book, and would take me forever to annotate it!
Reply 8
I've never seen anyone's book checked, so I wouldn't worry about it unless you have a super strict school.
Reply 9
I'm always tempted to just buy the same book again and annotate it as much as is allowed. This way, I get to keep my annotation just in case I ever need to study the book again.
Reply 10
hi can someone tell me if i am allowed to highlight my a woman of no importance book by oscar wilde. coz i have already done it, with different colours? i hope its allowed
Reply 11
I'm concerned that I have too many annotations in the texts you're allowed to take in the exam with you.

Hmm...maybe it's just me, but I actually find annotations a distraction, not a help. I love the closed-book exams, because it's just all in your head and you're able to focus solely on the question, not on some scrawl you wrote three months ago which had some vague relevance to the class discussion you had.

I think I'm going to buy a clean copy of all my books and just do minimal underlining :biggrin:
Reply 12
I often just put key words in the corners of the pages which makes it easy to find....
annotating shud be funnnnn
hi can someone tell me if i am allowed to highlight my a woman of no importance book by oscar wilde. coz i have already done it, with different colours? i hope its allowed

hey. im doing a woman of no importance as well. i didnt actually realise that only minimal annotation is allowed since my teacher said that as long as we dont write on the blank sheets, it's fine. im not sure whether they'd actually check but highlighting would def be ok. the only issue would be who the book belongs to becuase im only allowed to annotate in pencil becuase my copy is actually the college's
Reply 14
well im ****ed then!

:dito: Especially as some of them are in pen! I got told that it's OK though just as long as you don't write whole sentences and essay structures out.
:dito: Especially as some of them are in pen! I got told that it's OK though just as long as you don't write whole sentences and essay structures out.

Same here. For my open text exam last year, I even used the blank pages, but my teachers say it's fine as long as you only have bullet points, spider diagrams etc as opposed to complete essays! Our books are never checked anyway, but I don't think I'll do it this year, simply because there are no blank pages in these ones!
Reply 16
My college is not strict at all, but last year (when I did my AS) they were asked by invigilators to check everybodys books. Therefore, I think it's safer to rub out any long annotations; underlining and circling words should be fine, but long sentences should be avoided. The last thing you wanna do is rely too much on annotations, because if you do and have your book replaced by a clean version, you'll do terribly on the exam. Its best to know the material very well so that you only have to use texts to find quotations.
As far as I can remember no-one in my school has had books taken away for having too many annotations... I'm one of the worst, and it's never been seen as a problem! Usually on the front of the paper of pre-release or whatever it is you're annotating it says what is and isn't allowed... as long as the annotations aren;t helping you write your essay, ie. sentences, then it should be fine.
Reply 18
we were told at our school that you werent allowed post-it notes to mark pages n u werent alowed full sentences/essay plans. highlighting/underlining/notes are fine
My book is packed with whole sentances written in tiny writing in pencil in the margins. Am I screwed?!