The Student Room Group

What do you think?

I've just been reading the thread by ~the_one~, and a situation similar to that which has affected me makes me curious to read your views about it. I'm not looking for sympathy!

Basically, when i started secondary school in year 7, i made friends with a girl (lets call her sophie) and we got on quite well - we weren't like best friends or anything, even though a lot of people thought we were. Anyway, a new girl joined at the end of year 7, (lets call her Kate) and they both got on really well. Anyway, me, sophie and Kate were put in the same class in year 8. I was getting suspecious about them cause they excluded me from everything and i had a feeling they didn't like me. So, at break times and lunch times, i started going to the library by myself instead. With doing this every day, i made friends with another girl (lets call her Liz), and we are still best friends to this day. One day, when i went to school and sophie, kate and me (and others) were waiting outside the classroom, sophie wishpered something to kate, it was obvious it was about me cause she covered her mouth with a piece of paper and looked at me when she did it. That made me feel like ****. From that day on, sophie, kate and the 'in-crowd' of girls they had become friendly with always bitched about me behind my back from year 8 through to year 11, and i did Jack about it. Sophie even spread a rumor about me that i as a lesbian! First i'd heard about it! Problem was, people started believeing it. It was actually her that made me consider moving to a different school, which is where i am now. If i was still friends with her, i'd probably still be at the school studying A-Levels than doing something else at college.
Reply 1
What do I think? Being a teenage girl is crap. But they'll grow up.
What's your point?
Rumours about sexuality arn't uncommon, I'm in an all guys school and I'm fairly sure everyone who I don't know quite well thinks I am actually gay, which is fine for me because I really don't care about them. The way I see it is if someone isn't willing to get to know you themself before judging you then they arn't worth your time.

Anyways I know the sort of situation as Primary was a little like that for me, but hey I got over it, and if she's just a bicth 2 u now then there's no need 2 waste ur time worrying about her, you deserve to be happy so rise above it all and have fun with your real friends.
Rumours about sexuality arn't uncommon, I'm in an all guys school and I'm fairly sure everyone who I don't know quite well thinks I am actually gay, which is fine for me because I really don't care about them. The way I see it is if someone isn't willing to get to know you themself before judging you then they arn't worth your time.

Anyways I know the sort of situation as Primary was a little like that for me, but hey I got over it, and if she's just a bicth 2 u now then there's no need 2 waste ur time worrying about her, you deserve to be happy so rise above it all and have fun with your real friends.

I thought all the people at single sex schools were poofs

but seriously to the op, they will grow up, all girls are like it at that sort of age
serious narb
I thought all the people at single sex schools were poofs

Oh you!
Reply 6
I wasn't at a single sex school, it was boys and girls
Yeah I'm just saying, obviously it would be more common in my environment but I know it happens all over the place really, don't take it to heart.
Reply 8
Apricot Fairy
What's your point?

how did you get that rep with that attitude?
Reply 9
Yeah I'm just saying, obviously it would be more common in my environment but I know it happens all over the place really, don't take it to heart.

Ok, apologies :smile:
how did you get that rep with that attitude?

I don't have an attitude. I was just a little confused about what you were expecting people to say... :confused:

There doesn't appear to be a question in your post.
yer unfortionaly sum ppl get picked on for cheap laughs, and im afraid its touch, its happened to me right up until i was about 17 then everyone jus grew up, now i hav gr8 m8s and a gr8 time, it will wear off! im sure ur lovely jus they cant see it, selfish bitches!
OP, Billy Elliot did alreet. :smile:
Aw poor you:hugs:, but in life there are always going to be some w@nkers who you don't get on with. Unfortunately some people just seem to be more prone to getting picked on than others.:mad: Although as you get older I'm hoping this kind of thing happens a lot less.

Anyway, my point is that you're just going to have to learn not to let those kind of people hold you back. It's terrible that you think that they are the reason that you aren't doing A levels, but it really is up to you what you do with you're life you shouldn't blame others. Apparently quite a few people at my school think I'm lesbian but I'm not going to use that as an excuse if I fail my exams. I just think to myself: 'Meh. They suck. Big deal.' I haven't even bothered to correct them since being a lesbian isn't a bad thing (in my eyes) so I don't give a sh*t if they think I'm one. Of course I do know that that type of attitude is easier for some people than others.

Teenage girls can be really bitchy, as you've noticed. If I were you I would take revenge in some nasty way (you're a teenage girl too remember:wink: ) and then get over it. But I'm not a particularly nice person, so you might not want to act like that.