The Student Room Group

The what to take to Uni list

Well here is a list of what to take to Uni from

I have a few comments in red about it.

Passport photos
Passport or driving licence
Nhs number
National Insurance number
TV Licence
Cv and references
Discount travel cards
Bank account details
Address book and email contacts list
Local map
What's on guide
Old textbooks and notes
List of phone numbers
Support notification form
Diary or calander
Doctor and dentist details
Other university documents
Exam certificates
Room insurance
Yeah I can see all of the documents being kinda useful

A lot of the kitchen stuff will depend if you're going self catering or not.

Corkscrew Yep good
Bottle opener Good

Mugs Do we really need theses next 4? Is anything provided
Wine glasses
Shot glasses

Kettle Is one provided?

Knives, forks and spoons Most of this I can see being needed
Bowls for breakfast, soup, icecream etc
One-person casserole dish
Small frying or omelette pan
1 small, 1 large saucepan with lids
Egg cup

Tin opener
Chopping knife
Chopping board - An extra chopping board if you are cutting meat: this way you avoid food poisoning!!!
Vegetable peeler
Cheese grater - (Ikea do a very good one that has the grater as a lid so all the cheese goes into a box/compartment neatly and you can leave it in there to store aswell)
Wooden spoon
Spatula - good for a washing up implement.
Potato Masher (only if you are a fan of mash tho!)

Easy to follow recipe book
Store cupboard ingredients - coffee, tea, milk, sugar, eggs, margarine, cooking oil, salt and pepper - and let's not forget pasta
Coffee whitener - for when you run out of milk

Sandwich bags - good for lots of stuff you open and need to contain. e.g. sugar / teabags and things
Plastic bowl or box with lid
Microwaveable bowl
Cling film
Tin foil

Tea towels
Oven gloves

Washing-up stuff - Washing-up liquid / Dishcloth / Scrubbing brush
Tray - For carrying food to your room and to stop you making a mess if you're not eating at a table


Desk lamp Halogen
Book chair - saves a lot of neck strain if you are making notes out of a big book]

Notice board - for timetables, numbers, etc. Some halls may already provide one. Is there a notice board already?
Message board with erasable marker eg. a mini white board or one of those magnetic sand ones that you can wipe
Diary/planner - to keep track of assignments
Dictionary and thesaurus

A pad of lined paper - for making notes/doing drafts etc
Ream of printing paper
A4 folders

Pens, pencils, paper, files, highlighters
Sticky tape
Stapler, hole punch
Sticky labels
Post-it notes
Paper clips

White Tac - so it doesn’t mark the walls
Stamps and envelopes

Sports gear
Bike A possibility
Umbrella A coat will do

Basic first aid kit - plasters, antiseptic wipes, bandages
Some cold/flu remedy incase you are struck down by freshers' flu
Anti-allergy pills - eg. Piriton anti-allergy tablets
A cold/hot pack

Bath mat

Bath and hand towels (+ possibly a flanel)
Basket for shower supplies
Wash bag

Toilet roll
Box of tissues

Toothbrush and toothpaste
Soap - sqeasy (bottle) soap is probably better. If you're sharing bathrooms then it's easier to transport and wont slip onto the floor etc.
Shampoo / Conditioner

Nail clippers


Hair gel
Hair spray

Shaving cream/gel

Lip balm

Febreeze - To stop clothes / fabric getting to smelly

Laundry bag - So your dirty clothes don't end up on the floor. And for dragging to the laundry or dumping on your parents to wash for you!
Clothes horse Save money on dryers by drying your clothes in your room
Coat hangers you may not get any in wardrobes

Dustpan and brush - for cleaning up the odd mess, though most unis should provide this

Kitchen towel
Cif cleaning products/Detox?

Washing powder/liquid/tablets - if the washing powder dispenser isn't working

Door wedge an open door in freshers week is much more friendly

Alarm clock (maybe 2 in two different locations in your roomto make sure lectures are at least attempted, even if you carry on sleeping there!)
Calculator for sorting out finances

Computer and/or laptop saves on queues at deadline time
Computer mouse for laptop easier to use than a trackpad
Floppy disks (diskettes) and CDR’s (CDRW's cheaper in long run) for backing up work
USB "pen drive" - carrying projects etc between uni, internet cafe, friends comp, etc. quickly, easily and RELIABLY!
Printer - printing could take up to six hours on uni computers
Network cable to access the internet from the socket in your room

Mini fridge for beer and other items you don’t want in the communal fridge

Bedside lamp

Mobile and charger
Answering machine
CD player/Hi?-fi system - though better (certainly space wise) just to bring speakers and use your computer
TV - but license fee will be costly. There will doubtless be a communal TV you can watch. Also worth considering a TV-DVD/-VCR combi or seperate VCR/DVD players
Camera - to take pictures of room and friends (to send home/put on website ... everything else people do with photos)
Headphones - so you don't disturb others when you play music loud. You can get 'infra-red' ones that aren't too expensive and allow you to walk around while still listening to the music.

Batteries - rechargeable (save money)
Multi plug adaptor/extension lead to give you more than the normal 2/4 sockets

Dressing gown


Flip flops for wearing in showers / communal wash areas


Ball gowns/eveningwear for the Freshers’ Ball.
Shirt and tie for any smart-casual events

Board games - a couple, will make a good fun free evening (not sure about your phrasing! its not mine)
Pack of card
Ball - rugby ball/football for friendly matches/made up games
Frisbee - again for the occassional game (rugby style)

Posters though theses are often available during freshers week - (you might need things to cover bad decoration)
Photos of family and friends
Wall hanging more homely than posters
Rugs to hide the mangy carpet
Fairylights/disco ball/police light/lava lamp

Cushions/beanbags - for friends to sit down in your room
A throw - to make your bed into a sofa for friends to sit on

Pot plants
Teddy bear/stuffed toys
Blankets - for when it gets cold and you want to snuggle up

Duvet and duvet covers
Pillows & pillow cases - did you know the average used pillow is 75% dead flesh?
Mattress cover goes between the mattress and the bottom sheet
Hot water bottle

Inflatable mattress and pump - for your mates when they visit
Sleeping bag - for when friends come to stay/when you go to stay

Alcohol to make new friends with
Sweets or biscuits to distribute to flatmates

Extra storage cardboard or plastic boxes for things which wont fit anywhere else
Large suitcase to put things in when going home for the weekend

A spare lightbulb
Torch - for power cuts and looking under desks/chairs/beds
Pen knife

Loose change for washing / vending machines

Earplugs - to cut out noise you don't want to hear

Bookends - probably unecessary; just use something else (eg pot of pasta, sugar etc)
Poster hangers - if you're not allowed Blu-/White?-Tac on the walls

Safety pins
Small sewing kit - just incase you need to do a quik fix on a rip or tear (like the ones you get in hotels)
Small toolkit


Female specific items

Hair Ties/clips
Make up
Lip Gloss
Jewellery Box
Baby Oil
Nail Varnish
Hair removing cream
Hair dryer / straightners

Male specific items
Shaving brush

Don't bother with
Sandwich maker - (I disagree that it isn't worth bringing) they're cheap and compact so if you like the taste of what they make then take one. A hot meal in minutes with little effort. The down side is they can be very messy when combined with cheese so you'll want to put it on a tray when in use.
Nice kitchen stuff - it will get used then left on the side to rot/rust
Candles serious fire hazard

I suppose what I'm really asking is what's provided and what's not?

How many plug sockets are there in a room, should I bring an extension lead?

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You can probably get about 80% of that stuff once you actually get to Uni.
Condoms. Essential during freshers fortnight.
Reply 3
Why do they feel the need to patronise the students by having things like 'comb' and 'teddy bear', anyone would think this is a checklist for play school.
Reply 4
because students are idiots, it's a well known fact, we get drunk and forget everything.

basically, I have a whole shedload of stuff here.

I can narrow down stuff i need to like... under 10 (some are large)

1.Clothes, never underestimate the amount of underwear you'll go through before you go through your regular clothes

2.Computer & Paraphenalia (printer etc)

3.TV + Freeview (with license)

4. CD player

5.Bathroom stuff

6.Kitchen stuff (plates, mugs, knives, forks etc. baking trays, etc)

7.Some good speakers and good earphones.

8.Mobile phone

9. Condoms - and girls, this also means you, if a guy doesn't have them on him, and you don't have any, then you aren't getting laid either. Or you will and then have a little "that dude that i met when i was pissed and made me scream at the ceiling" jnr.
he won't mysteriously find some about his person and i can almost guarantee he won't run and get some.

10. Pad of paper and a pen.

everything else i don't think i've seen since like... week 2.

(although, I do have a folder of "important stuff" like documents etc.)
Reply 5
Toaster, kettle aren't provided, or glasses... Well, like nothing is provided. Apart from a bed. and a desk. and a chair.
And there are 4 plugs on the desk, 1 by your bed, so I have multiple extension leads.
Reply 6
Shouldn't 4 plugs be enough? PC, phone charger, maybe power for PC monitor. What else?
Reply 7
Stuff. Take Stuff.

:smile: there is my useful input...

PS sorry, ive handed in my dissertation today, my brain is dead.

Shouldn't 4 plugs be enough? PC, phone charger, maybe power for PC monitor. What else?

hair straighteners...duh! and a stereo or something. maybe a lamp.
Reply 9
Shouldn't 4 plugs be enough? PC, phone charger, maybe power for PC monitor. What else?

Trust me, just take spare extension leads cos you'll kick yourself if you find you need more power slots!

I have a total of 18 power slots and they are all in use. Just don't ask!

Oh and tip: even with nothing else plugged in, the hoover WILL trip your room so just use the socket in the hall :P
Reply 10
I wasm't disputing not taking one, I just couldn't see more than 4 being needed. However I've been proved wrong :smile:

I can't see 18 things though!
Reply 11
hoover... what is this hoover of which you speak?

defo with the extension lead!
Reply 12
hoover... what is this hoover of which you speak?


Or Henrietta, as it was after a drunken night out..
Reply 13
Don't forget the rest of the family; at work we have a George and a Charles.
Reply 14

Or Henrietta, as it was after a drunken night out..

I dont think we had a Henry :frown:

and ive never had a drunken night out...

hmm perhaps thats why me and henry's relationship never blossomed...

Reply 15
hehe henry in college halls corrider ade me jump after a night out,i nthe dark in my drunken state i thought henry hoover was a dead body mwahahahahaha
Reply 16
definatly take extension leads.
Think about it, monitor and computer tower. Printer. Speakers if you have them seperate.
Then a tv
Games console? Dvd Player?
Phone charger, battery charger

Then I have a mini fridge, amp, fairy lights and a ds charger.

Obviously they aren't always all plugged in. There are always 7-9 plugs being used in my room
Reply 17
Alright, alright so I was wrong!
Reply 18
definatly take extension leads.
Think about it, monitor and computer tower. Printer. Speakers if you have them seperate.
Then a tv
Games console? Dvd Player?
Phone charger, battery charger

Then I have a mini fridge, amp, fairy lights and a ds charger.

Obviously they aren't always all plugged in. There are always 7-9 plugs being used in my room

Ah a games console, good for the old Pro Evo tournaments
Reply 19
Essex Jay
Ah a games console, good for the old Pro Evo tournaments

Yeh, we had one of those in one of the common rooms in Rees.
Very good for procrastination as well