The Student Room Group


Hey does anyone else here suffer from bad flatulence?

I do all the bloody time! Sometimes it's loud, but most of the time it's just highly offensive smelling. Some days I can clear rooms. And if they come they come think and fast, for hours on end.

I've found a few things in my diet that can cause it, like paté and boiled eggs, but a lot of the time I don't really know why the dreaded gas makes an appearance.

It's not a problem exactly, although sometimes it can be potentially very embarassing (eg. when I'm having dinner with my girlfriends parents, or in the throws of intimacy so to speak). Just wondering if anybody knows ways of reducing such malodorous gasses.
Reply 2

yeah saying that helps :rolleyes:

how about cut down on fizzy drinks if you don actually drink fizzy drinks.
erm drink more herbal and fruit teas and water i think that also helps.
sorry i cant think of anything else
Cut down on Fibre!
Reply 4
THATS GROSS!!! how could you do that to your girlfriend? i would run a mile... hahaha good on you to not go anonoymous...hmmm cut down on fiizy stuff, eat healthier stuff. dont eat junk food. that kinda stuff,,,
do you gas her under the duvet then trap her in it as well? Cos that's mean!
make sure you do plenty of exercise and eat yogurt
Reply 7
Stinky pete lol =P

Bread is one of the worst things, yes eggs, and vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage. Natural yoghurt will calm ur inner movements a little, drink plenty of water and cut out the junk inc. dilute and fizzy pop and fried food, grilled is always healthier and retains more of the nutrients than boiling and frying.

If all that fails, excuse yourself from the table, grab a loo roll and air freshener then run for the door.... =D
Taking activated charcoal tablets can absorb some of the gas. You can get them from health food shops.
Reply 9
Flatulence is a marvellous, natural thing.

I would suggest pairing up with some chums and putting on a Trumping Display.
Reply 10
hahahha a quartet...or start up a society. The FLatualence Society of 2006..-anyone welcome...i feel sorry for you girl mate. poor thing. she has to put up with that...
Reply 11
Reply 12
do you gas her under the duvet then trap her in it as well? Cos that's mean!

Reply 13
i know there are anti-fluatulence pills available
i dont know if they actually work, but its def worth a try:smile:
Yeh, visit your chemist. Or a health shop.
See your GP confidentially if it persists.

EURGH UR DISCUSTING!!!!!!!1111111111111

Reply 15
Poo more?

Reply 16
you might have some kind of food intolerence

you could ask your doctor for advice i guess
I eat healthily and drink plenty of water, yet I still suffer from it on a daily basis! I've got extremely bad digestion - do you get bloated often?
Hey does anyone else here suffer from bad flatulence?

I do all the bloody time! Sometimes it's loud, but most of the time it's just highly offensive smelling. Some days I can clear rooms. And if they come they come think and fast, for hours on end.

I've found a few things in my diet that can cause it, like paté and boiled eggs, but a lot of the time I don't really know why the dreaded gas makes an appearance.

It's not a problem exactly, although sometimes it can be potentially very embarassing (eg. when I'm having dinner with my girlfriends parents, or in the throws of intimacy so to speak). Just wondering if anybody knows ways of reducing such malodorous gasses.
:rofl: I've never seen it described as that.