The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Summer holidays after A-levels? None. Do what you want but enjoy it!
Reply 2
Work? Holiday? You're kidding right?

Having said that on at least one day of my last two easter holidays to see some surgery or do a clinic. In addition, I've used the time to do write ups and presentations.
Reply 3
I was lazy and didnt do anything = :frown:
Reply 4
I was lazy and didnt do anything = :frown:

I've had write ups etc to do, so have had 3 days off this holiday [out of 2 weeks], one of which was my Birthday, and one the day after recovering!
Reply 5

*brings out the world's smallest violin
Reply 6

*brings out the world's smallest violin

Fluffy puts violin into renals pint and sniggers.... lots... :wink:
Reply 7
I've had write ups etc to do, so have had 3 days off this holiday [out of 2 weeks], one of which was my Birthday, and one the day after recovering!

we had 5 weeks off!
Reply 8
we had 5 weeks off!

We get 'decent' holidays throughout the whole course in return...
Reply 9
hey, i am just wondering how much work has to be done in the holiday, because i currently am working at in a supermarket and they say i can come back in the hols and do 9-5 there.its £5 an hour so would be a good way to recoup monetary much work is there to do in the hols generally.will i have time to work or not??
thanks in advance

Generally I think you'd get pretty good hols in the first few years, and then nothing during your clinical years. Therefore it's prob good to work and get some money in when you can, cos when you progress through med the chance of working is pretty small. On the other hand lots of people tend to go travelling etc because there's limited opportuntity when you're a bit older :smile:.
Reply 10
Generally I think you'd get pretty good hols in the first few years, and then nothing during your clinical years. .

Depends on where you go. At BL, we have shorter Chrsitmas and Easter breaks as compared to other schools, but we get protected holidays during clinical years...

Year 1, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and 12 weeks at Summer;
Year 2, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and 9 weeks at Summer;
Year 3, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and 6 weeks at Summer;
Year 4, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and 5 weeks at Summer; and
Year 5, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and then graduate
Reply 11
Year 5, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and then graduate
Elective won't cut that last easter holiday?
Reply 12
Elective won't cut that last easter holiday?

Elective or mixing work with serious play? Plus, add into that your SSM :smile:
Reply 13
Depends on where you go. At BL, we have shorter Chrsitmas and Easter breaks as compared to other schools, but we get protected holidays during clinical years...

Year 1, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and 12 weeks at Summer;
Year 2, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and 9 weeks at Summer;
Year 3, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and 6 weeks at Summer;
Year 4, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and 5 weeks at Summer; and
Year 5, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter and then graduate

Cool, thats prob a better system. We ended up having 3 month holidays in the summer in the 1st and second year, and then eg 5th only 2 weeks in the whole calender year :p:!
Generally I think you'd get pretty good hols in the first few years, and then nothing during your clinical years. Therefore it's prob good to work and get some money in when you can, cos when you progress through med the chance of working is pretty small. On the other hand lots of people tend to go travelling etc because there's limited opportuntity when you're a bit older :smile:.

I take it that imperial doesnt set you work to do over the holiday then, during the clinical years?
i had 7 exams the week after i came bak from easter, ie last working would be out the question if your in 1st yr at bristol.