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of course he'll like it, but he might get the wrong idea and think you want to go further.
Reply 2
He'll like it but will get the wrong idea...just hold off until you decide you want to go sexual then do it.
thats what I said. do you want to repeat anything else I say?
Reply 4
I'm not the girl that sleeps around and I'm a virgin so we won't be doing it.
dont touch him then, cos thats whats known as cock teasing.
Reply 6
Oh ok.. it's cos i dont know what else to do when kissing. ??
Well if you don't want his private parts dont touch them :smile:
put your arms around him? hold his hands? grabbing his dick really isnt the only option you know.
If you're thinking about what to do with your hands when kissing then that speaks volumes for the guy in question. Face, hair or back is the general consensus but there's no diecast rule on what to do.
Reply 10
I'm not the girl that sleeps around and I'm a virgin so we won't be doing it.

That makes no sense. Are you saying that you will never sleep with this guy? Who mentioned sleeping around?

As for being a virgin you gotta lose it sometime...well I suppose you dont but whats the point in that?
Reply 11
Also, you gotta think: Do you want his grimy hands all in ur stuff? If no, then dont do it to him...because he will probably use his fingers as testing probes and then want something to follow, you know.
Reply 12
thats what I said. do you want to repeat anything else I say?

Have you considered the possibility that your post wasnt there when I clicked the reply button?
Reply 13
No. I won't be sleeping with the guy.
Reply 14
Ok. I take it you dont see a future with him then? In that case why continue. If you know its going to end it kinda takes the fun outta it.
Have you considered the possibility that your post wasnt there when I clicked the reply button?

No, should I have done?
Reply 16
Yes...I was kind of hinting at that...

We seem to be digressing a bit here.
Why don't you see a future with the guy?
Yes...I was kind of hinting at that...

We seem to be digressing a bit here.

No, cant be digressing cos I dont know what it means. Nice try though.
Reply 19
No, cant be digressing cos I dont know what it means. Nice try though.

You, Sir, have truely confused me.