The Student Room Group

Silly question really

I've been on the pill for a while, since I got to uni I had to get it from the doctor. First prescription they gave me I phoned up and explained why I needed an appointment, I wasn't sure if I had to see a doctor or a nurse.

I need another prescription soon. Do I phone the doctors and make another appointment with the nurse? Or do I just say I need a repeat prescription to the receptionist?

I did warn you it was a stupid question, but I'm never sure who I've got to see about these things.
Reply 1
You'll need to phone up and make an appt with either doctor or nurse, it won't matter. Doctor is prolly easier as at my doc's the nurse gets the doc to sign the prescription anyway. The pill isn't available on repeat prescription. :smile:
Reply 2
If you are on the pill, they like to give you a check up every so often before they give you a repeat prescription, just to check your blood pressure and that you are having no problems. By all means ask the receptionist if you can have one, but chances are they'll probably tell you make an appointment to see your nurse first.
Reply 3
Every 6 months you need a check up (basically just blood pressure) and you usually see the nurse for that.

When you ring up say you're making an appointment for a pill check up and then they will make the appointment with whoever usually does those (the nurse I'm betting) so then problem solved!
Reply 4
I have to go every six months and see the nurse to check blood pressure etc.
Well when I asked my doctor he said the pill is never available on repeat prescription, you need your blood pressure taken every 6 months.