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Reply 1
You're meant to look serious as open mouth grins can mess up photo recognition software.
Reply 2
you can smile a bit.. but not ott.
Serious is safe, but I can't smile anyway, I can only do an OTT smile, I have to laugh to smile normally! God my passport photo looks rediculous, I'm about 12...
Reply 4
Try it....see if they turn you away for being happy. Did any of you ever see the leaflet they made about what is acceptable as a passport photo. It stated that the background must be white, and then gave 2 example pictures. The "not acceptable" picture was a portrait of the queen, with a blue background. Comedy.
Reply 5
does the queen have a passport? haha.
Reply 6
does the queen have a passport? haha.

No. Passports are issued in the name of the queen, she doesn't need one herself.
Reply 7
A nice big Clown Smile is the way to go.
Reply 8
Are you? Or are you meant to look serious?

:rofl: of course!

I just got back from a photo shoot so I can replace my passport, which is about to expire. :/
The rules state that you aren't allowed to crease your face in any way, so basically, your face is supposed to be expressionless. Although, that said, I smilled just a little bit at the corners of my mouth (otherwise I looked like I was having prison photos), and they accepted it.
Reply 10
i find it so weird when i look at the acceptable pictures that one of the people is half smiling.i think it's a brunette girl with straight hair..or is it just me that thinks it looks like she's smiling?:s-smilie:
Reply 11
It says to give a neutral expression on the form thing.....
Reply 12
Yep, I just had mine redone. Neutral expression, with your hair away from your eyes.
Reply 13
I sent off 3 different photos for my passport, I was trying to be serious in all of them but they reckoned that I was smiling ! They're really strict about it these days
Reply 14
And, i wear glasses so im going to have to take them off because they hide a bit of my eye. Sooo Pointless.
Reply 15
You have to look serious although i believe in driving licenses you are allowed to smile.
I know I read a newspaper article a while back about a toddlers photo which had been rejected, because he looked too pale and was grinning at the camera!
Reply 17
Are you? Or are you meant to look serious?

Apparently in Japan you are not allowed to (by law? :confused: ) ...well that's what one of my class-mates told me :biggrin: :biggrin:

:elefant: hey :wink:
And, i wear glasses so im going to have to take them off because they hide a bit of my eye. Sooo Pointless.

You're allowed to wear eyeglasses if you wear them on a day to day basis, I was wearing mine in my passport pic and they accepted it.
Reply 19
It's not the best idea though, given that they generally tend to reflect the flash and not come out right in the photo.