The Student Room Group

I have feelings for his friend...

Around christmas time when i was single i told this guy that i liked him but he was really shy and is quite inexperienced so i gave him breathing time to think. 3 weeks later and we were at the sixth form christmas party and my current boyfriend who i've been with for 4 months made a move. I have got to say i went along with it partly because i was angry at the shy guy for prolonging his decision. Anyway i got my reaction... 4 months down the line i see this shy guy and we are really good friends and we see each other a lot ( hes mates with my bf) Anyway he admitted a few nights ago that he was gonna tell me at the party how he felt but my curren tbf got there first that was all. I have been trying to fix the shy guy up with one of my best friends and the truth is i don't want it to happen now because i have realised i still have deep feelings for the shy guy. I care for my current bf deeply and wouldn't wanna hurt him. Thanks for reading..this is tearin me up inside!what should i do!?
Reply 1
I guess only you can decide. If you have been with you bf for 4 months I would suggest it would be a lot easier to nip it in the bud now than it would be further down the line.

I've had similar problems, you have to follow you heart. It’s rarely wrong.
Reply 2
I guess only you can decide. If you have been with you bf for 4 months I would suggest it would be a lot easier to nip it in the bud now than it would be further down the line.

I've had similar problems, you have to follow you heart. It’s rarely wrong.


I would, however, also add that you need be sure it doesn't look like you are dumping one guy for another, as this could affect the friendship of the two guys... You should discuss this before hand with the shy guy, to make sure he's ok with this. No point losing your current bf if you like him, if shy guy ain't interested anymore, or won't go out with you if you dump his friend for him.
Reply 3
Why would he admit somehting like that to me now.Do you think its like a message that he still likes me...?
Reply 4
possibly- you don't always know what you've got till its gone (i swear thats a song:rolleyes: ) Its up to you tho- no one on here or ne1 else can help u decide. Its a decision ur gona have to make xxx:redface:
You got to figure out what you really want for yourself, trouble is either way someone will get hurt, you could even lose both.
Either make a go of it with your current b/f or if you want the other guy least dump the current guy before getting with the other guy.
Reply 6
Do you think i should talk to the shy guy about it? Possibly tell my bf?
Reply 7
i wouldnt tell ur bf. Maybe talk to the 'shy' guy- but i would be careful that he doesnt get the immediate impression that u want to be with him- if you get what i mean:confused:
Reply 8
How can i talk to the shy guy? Shall i just ask how he feels about me.
Reply 9
yeh- ask him y he's suddenly decided to tell you now- be strong and honest with him.
But one thing for certain is that you have to think about what you want. You can't live with regrets xxx:smile: