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Reply 1
They're talking about his smiliarities to the Tsars i.e. he's a communist but he acted very similar to how the tsars acted.

You need to look at the way he imposed War Communism, abolished the Constituent Assembly and imposed the Red Terror and compare it to the Tsars. eg Nicholas II's approach to the Dumas' and the way that they all refused to allow constitutuonal reform. Also the way that reform only came after huge outbreaks of violence, which were crushed before reforms were given eg 1905 massacre and the crushing of the Kronstadt Mutiny.
Reply 2
You must talk about the lack of democracy also. Tsarism wasn't democratic, did Lenin introduce democracy? Not really, eh? Discuss that.
Reply 3
:ditto: Lenin was just as autocratic if not more than the tsars, for example, show trials and summary executions. Also he introduced the secret police, which was supposedly temporary but surprisingly not.
Reply 4
Actually Lenin did introduce democracy, however they could only vote in Bolshevik party members so it wasn't democratic in they way we think of it today.

Also Lenin couldn't just force policies through like the Tsars. The central committee had to vote. Occasionally they voted against Lenin on certain policies (which I can't recall right now) and Lenin threatened to resign if he didn't get his way, this shows that Lenin's power wasn't absolute
Reply 5
^^ Single party republic is the name its given.
Reply 6
Ah I see, thank you. Well Lenin was not perfect by any means but I'd save the 'Red Tsar' title for the guy who came after him, I can't remember his name.
Reply 7
Originally posted by Alexii
I'd save the 'Red Tsar' title for the guy who came after him, I can't remember his name.


This is what studying a 100 years of Russian History does to you, its make you a walking talking encyclopedia!
Reply 8
Are you doing OCR?
Reply 9
Me? Yeah.
Reply 10
Lol yeah, wears a bit thin sometime I feel but generally it's interesting.
Reply 11
It is interesting but you don't really go into any depth, which is annoying. But what really gets to me is my teacher, he obviously isn't really interested in what he's teaching so he keeps making all these generalisations and basically telling us how to think, which I find really frustrating because if I think differently then I start to wonder if I'm wrong. I can't stand him anymore!!! The worst was when he said that there were 4 types of questions for industrialisation and he said the first type was the easiest but I said I preferred the 3rd type and he was like 'No your wrong, it really isn't.' But it was a personal preference so how can I be wrong?!!!

But I also did Russia at GCSE and I didn't really enjoy it then either so thats probably part of it. I have him tomorrow though :frown: which means I get my timed essay back :frown:
Reply 12
Harsh, my teacher is pretty inspiring, arrogant perhaps, but a damn good teacher. Well I've got two and one's particularly good. A2 definitely seems harder than AS, my grades haven't as good for exam practice but hopefully I'll be fine. Uni wise where are you planning to go and what do you need to get?
Reply 13
Oh sorry, you're going to Sheffield.
Reply 14
Correct, need AAB. But due to UMS only really need BBC at A2 :biggrin: Yeah A2 is harder. My other teacher is fine, treats us a bit like kids at times but shes a brilliant teacher so I can stand that. Haven't done much essay practice for either yet but hopefully it'll be fine. Have a mock for my other module on tuesday :eek: quite scared but should be ok, just hope I remember what I've revised! Where are you planning to go for uni?
Reply 15
My History teacher was awsome. You should have seen his 'Crush-the-Peasants' dance he performed while we were doing Alexander II. Priceless!
Both my history teachers were utter legends.

Russian history comes in handy at uni though, guarenteed its gonna pop up somewhere!
Reply 17
Both my history teachers were utter legends.

:ditto: mine are!
Reply 18
It is interesting but you don't really go into any depth, which is annoying. But what really gets to me is my teacher, he obviously isn't really interested in what he's teaching so he keeps making all these generalisations and basically telling us how to think, which I find really frustrating because if I think differently then I start to wonder if I'm wrong. I can't stand him anymore!!! The worst was when he said that there were 4 types of questions for industrialisation and he said the first type was the easiest but I said I preferred the 3rd type and he was like 'No your wrong, it really isn't.' But it was a personal preference so how can I be wrong?!!!

Sounds EXACTLY like the teacher I have for Napoleon. She obviously has no knowledge on the subject apart from reciting the textbooks and you're never allowed your own opinion. My Russia teacher though seems to know everything there is to know about this period of Russian history. She did it for a yr at uni and can tell she loves it! Makes a nice change from the spoonfeeding!
but to be fair u dont really need to know anything in any depth for A-level, so it would be a waste of their time. like it or not they are there to mould us into smashing young ppl lol and to get us to pass exams