The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Show him your...

Charm? :wink:
Reply 2
Do a dance for him.
say hello to him or smile at him, lads like girls who smile!
Reply 4
Show him your...

Charm? :wink:

he he :biggrin: are you friends with any of his? if so, just have a party and invite them all, pick your moment n get him on his own. *LOU*
Reply 5
his mate caught me looking at him the other week in a bar and he turned round when my back was turned and also when i was looking at him he turned round and looked at me. i feel like a right idiot!!!
Show some breast..

or just let on to him ask him how he his blar blar.... TALK. If it doesn't work out you can have me instead :poke: :marchmell
Try and hang out where he hangs out and make sure he can see you as much as possible... also its a good idea to smile at him and generally engage in subtle flirting towards him :wink:
Reply 8
na i dont really know his mates just heard of them. my best mate use to live next doorto his bestn m8. but when he turned round and looked at me i kinda froze didnt smile or anything its like i go like a little kid :-(
his mate caught me looking at him the other week in a bar and he turned round when my back was turned and also when i was looking at him he turned round and looked at me. i feel like a right idiot!!!

I'm always getting caught looking at someone. It means nothing, to many it's a compliment. TALK TO HIM or just give him a flirtatious smile. He'll click on if he doesn't already know.
Just say hi next time you never know :wink:
Reply 11
yeah i go to the same bars/clubs as him so usually see him out at least once a week! he lives very neaar me as well
Try and hang out where he hangs out and make sure he can see you as much as possible... also its a good idea to smile at him and generally engage in subtle flirting towards him :wink:

I wouldn't follow him. I'd find that quite creepy. I'd hate being stalked. It's a sign of being desperate. Play it cool.:cool:
Reply 13
say hello to him or smile at him, lads like girls who smile!

that is true, i got 3 free rounds of drinks on fri for the sake of a smile... get noticed...
Reply 14
talk to go in for the move:smile: (preferably when alcohols around)
Reply 15
lol im not gonna follow him hell no! yeah but im kinda shy at the lovey dovey stuff even though im quite a bubbly person. so saying hi i wudnt be able to do unless he said it first or i had fake confidence from alcohol
Reply 16
Bend and Snap.
Well obviously find out about him maybe get to know but obviously find out if hes attatched first.
Get a bit of dutch courage then. Just don't get rat-arsed. There's nothing worse than drunk female :cheers:
Reply 19
yeh ive seen him with this girl a few times so he might be! dam her lol i want him