The Student Room Group

I just can't get over him.

When I was at one of my university interviews just before Christmas, I met this great guy. We got on really well and on the last night we ended up kissing and spent the night together (we didn't have sex - it was pretty innocent really). It felt so right, and we just spent hours cuddling in his bed and chatting, I felt so comfortable around him.
Anyway, we swapped numbers before we left and were texting each other constantly for three days straight; then we swapped MSN addys as well and when I came online he would start talking to me straight away, he seemed pretty keen. We arranged to meet up that weekend (we live quite far apart but not majorly) but it didn't go ahead, and neither did the next meeting we planned (one of us was busy/unable to get there each time).
Since then he's just lost interest, which is understandable but it hurts so much. I've suggested meeting up since and he's just really aloof about it, and he never texts or starts talking to me on MSN anymore. If I say hey to him, he'll chat and be friendly and often flirt a little, but that's as far as it goes.
I know that I should be over him, but I just can't. I think about him all the time and wonder how he is, and it kills me that we live far apart. I really think that it would have turned into something if we hadn't had the distance issue. He still means so much to me, because that one night we spent together was 1000 times better than all the other guys I've ever been with. I just keep wondering what might have been, and it's getting me down so much. I've dated other guys casually since, but none of them seem to match up to him. ::frown: How can I move on? I really think he's the one for me.
What university are you both going to? Maybe you'll see him there if you were both on interview?

I know its hard to get over someone you really like, especially as you've had no form of 'closure', it just fizzled out on his part. Maybe you could try asking him what went wrong, just so you have piece of mind and aren't tearing yourself up about it.

I find the best way to get over a guy is to like someone else, however this is harder said than done when you know that you once had something really special :frown: Try and take your mind off him, don't contact him, and delete his email and phone number. It will be hard, but a step that is very important in helping you to get over him. By stopping contact, you put yourself in control of the situation and therefore enable yourself to move on :smile:
Reply 2
its happened to me before and im a guy!

i was with a girl who i didnt see that often , every couple of weeks, we had sum gr8 times and at first we were always callin, txtin and on msn together.. afta a few months we drifted apart and are now jus freinds. i cant explain why we do this but it seems a natural thing if you dont see them enough!