The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Find an estate agent sign - put it outside the school and tell them to call your mobile number (classic).
Reply 2
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: muckup day:biggrin: ahhhh we had one for year 11 as well... Id like to think i was the mastermind :cool: lol
ok here are some ideas.. some are a little crazy .. take ur pick!

fish in swimming pool
dead fish behind radiators (done at my friends school, left fish over summer, and when the new year started, :wink: :eek: lol)
water balloons on teachers
fil up condoms and throw them from the balcony.. well u said its on one floor.. so i guess u cud throw them around!
huge water pistols...can put dye in them and make it more exciting lol
bubble bath in toilets - they over flow and its quite fun to watch
mild laxatives in water coolers!:eek:
vaseline on bannisters
food fight
hire a bouncy castle
go crazy with shaving foam
do crazy stuff with ur uniform..liek wear ur underwear on top lol... what.. dont look at me.:redface: . i didnt do it:rolleyes:
play the penis game, when ur having like assembly, one person starts off by saying penis, or any other "rude" word, so to speak lol, and u work ur way down the line, and keep saying it louder each time, until someone is screaming penis, and the teachers are horrified. but hey its ok.. ur not coming back woo!:biggrin:
ok lol i hope tht gave u some ideas! xx
Reply 3
spray paint class of 2006 or whatever on ur fields, LEAVE UR LEGACYY!
Depends what you mean by 'last day', will you be coming back (i.e. 6th form)?
Reply 5
If you have rugby posts which are left around; put them back up at night.
Reply 6
Order taxis, flowers and pizza under the name of your headteacher to be delivered to the school.
Reply 7
gaffa tape someone to the goalposts - this was actually done at my school - then when the teachers came over to see what was going on they all got egged.

another one, I always wondered whether it would work, was using a bike D-Lock to lock the main gates together in the morning.
Reply 8
Hmm - A few years ago, my Deputy Headmaster (called the Undermaster) was trapped in his study by a brick wall that was built whilst he was in there. That was rather amusing!!
Reply 9
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: muckup day:biggrin: ahhhh we had one for year 11 as well... Id like to think i was the mastermind :cool: lol
ok here are some ideas.. some are a little crazy .. take ur pick!

fish in swimming pool
dead fish behind radiators (done at my friends school, left fish over summer, and when the new year started, :wink: :eek: lol)
water balloons on teachers
fil up condoms and throw them from the balcony.. well u said its on one floor.. so i guess u cud throw them around!
huge water pistols...can put dye in them and make it more exciting lol
bubble bath in toilets - they over flow and its quite fun to watch
mild laxatives in water coolers!:eek:
vaseline on bannisters
food fight
hire a bouncy castle
go crazy with shaving foam
do crazy stuff with ur uniform..liek wear ur underwear on top lol... what.. dont look at me.:redface: . i didnt do it:rolleyes:
play the penis game, when ur having like assembly, one person starts off by saying penis, or any other "rude" word, so to speak lol, and u work ur way down the line, and keep saying it louder each time, until someone is screaming penis, and the teachers are horrified. but hey its ok.. ur not coming back woo!:biggrin:
ok lol i hope tht gave u some ideas! xx

:biggrin: VASELINE!!! put it on the doorknobs

and many things you can do with them.... stick it on teachers desks...

if your school lets you have muck up days, go for a themed one.
In my old school, the leavers had an military themed one, and spent the day ordering ppl around and "executed" teachers with water pistols.
The best one is steal 3 pigs and label them 1, 2 and 4. Then let them loose at school and wait for everyone to spend days looking for number 3.

Unrealistic but whatever :smile:
Reply 11
Water bombs.

Cage younger students in classrooms/playground.

Rugby tackle teachers and leg it.
Reply 12
Someone once sprayed a penis using weedkiller on one of the grassy banks. Was rather assuming one it showed up lol
- dead fish in the air vent - rather gross though.
- let go of helium balloons under a very tall ceiling (best if they are rude), they take ages to come down!
- let chickens loose in the library.
- pour paint on a door mat/ carpet so that no one can see it but after a few people stand in it there will be foot prints all round school.
- pour glitter in your teacher's draws
- replace the board markers with permanent ones
- Don't use any punctuation in any of your work
- sing the answer to every question your teacher asks you...
Some of these are hilarious lol, have fun
People at my school have done the following:

Make up "Wanted" signs with photos of teachers on them with funny reasons why the teachers are 'wanted'. Then stick them around the school.

A couple of years ago, some people brought 6 chickens into the school and let them run around the place.

Honey on banisters.

Charge the teachers to park their cars.

Block off the road to the school with witches hats.

Squirt other students with water guns when they walk through the school gate.

Place an add in the newspaper saying the school is for sale.
Reply 15
we filled our school pond with rubber ducks and our school hall with chickens, graffittied the walls of the school, just generally ran riot, was amazing!
Reply 16
on our last day of yr 11 some people attempted to nick clocks from every classroom, guaranteed to nark teachers and some people sprayed over the CCTV camera round the back an spray painted our school name and 1999-2004. mind you, i doubt the CCTV was working anyway...the year above planted grass seeds in the carpet...
Although it isn't the last day of term, there is a massive protest at our school today. They have cut our lunchtimes down to 30 minutes. As i speak there is about half the school wondering around the grounds breaking anything they can. There are police and newspapers here. It's crazy! :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 18
Babylon By Bus
Although it isn't the last day of term, there is a massive protest at our school today. They have cut our lunchtimes down to 30 minutes. As i speak there is about half the school wondering around the grounds breaking anything they can. There are police and newspapers here. It's crazy! :biggrin: :biggrin:

will i see it on look east/ anglia tonight?!!!
will i see it on look east/ anglia tonight?!!!

Anglia apparently :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: