The Student Room Group

Full-time education during my gap year

Does anyone have an opinion on whether continuing education during my gap year is a good idea?

I will be taking a gap year during 06/07, if I achieve the grades I am predicted, because I did not get good offers for Unis, however, I was thinking of taking on three new AS's and a GCSE German to learn a new language.

There's two reasons why I am thinking of doing this -
Firstly, I am afraid that if I do not keep in contact with the school enivronment, I may lose my 'academic perspective', if that makes any sense, and I am afraid that I may not want to got to Uni.
Secondly, if I continue education I will have a continuing income, you know EMA, Child Benefit and all that crap :rolleyes: .

Will Universities dislike this idea. Obviously I will be doing work experience during the holidays, no doubt.

:confused: What you lot think?:confused:
im not sure you would get child benefit could get a part time job!!!!
Im asssuming that your be 18/19 in your gap year.....When your 19 child benefit stops and i think EMA does too.Also i dont think being in full time education counts as a gap year.
Just go and work in a restaurant/hotel/bar in Germany for a year. You'll learn the language, get some work experience, earn some money. Sorted.
Reply 4
Does anyone have an opinion on whether continuing education during my gap year is a good idea?

like someone else said, not sure that full time education actually counts as a 'gap year'.

I will be taking a gap year during 06/07, if I achieve the grades I am predicted, because I did not get good offers for Unis, however, I was thinking of taking on three new AS's and a GCSE German to learn a new language.

is there a particular reason you want to take these new subjects? is there a course more relevant to the one you are thinking of taking at uni? maybe that would prepare you more for uni.

There's two reasons why I am thinking of doing this -
Firstly, I am afraid that if I do not keep in contact with the school enivronment, I may lose my 'academic perspective', if that makes any sense, and I am afraid that I may not want to got to Uni.

that's a fair enough thought that i should think most people have, but i think the experience of a year not in full time education can be a valuable one. and a lot of people seem to say that a gap year makes them want to go to uni even more.

Secondly, if I continue education I will have a continuing income, you know EMA, Child Benefit and all that crap .

you would have a much better income if you were working full time! it could give you the opportunity to save up for uni. and you could also learn, get qualifications, or travel along side that.

Will Universities dislike this idea. Obviously I will be doing work experience during the holidays, no doubt.

i doubt universities will dislike the fact that you have extra qualifications! esspecially if their reliant to the degree you're taking... i tend to think that employers in the future will look for work experience as well as quaifications though. it would probably be best from their point of view to have a mix of both, than of all qualifications, and no experience.

What you lot think?

after taking on board other peoples comments, do what you want, and not what any body else wants!
Reply 5
I was thinking of doing a one year Spanish A level during my gap year but I'm worried about being the oldest person in school and not having any friends around etc...