I noticed this morning,that there was a few red spots on my chest. Not proper spots like on your face, just red dots. And only a few. Theres about 4 in a small group together. I just looked a bit closer, and theres a few a bit further down, and a couple on one of my breasts.
When I was younger, if I was sick, I hated it so much and didn't do it "nicely" enough that I used to manage to burst blood vessels or something just under my eyes. Now, I think they sort of look like that, but I can't really remember.
Any ideas on what these might be? I did have a bit on sunburn on my chest about a week ago, but I'm wearing the same top I wore then and where some of the spots are they're covered up by my top.
They don't itch or anything, but I have a feeling there weren't as many earlier.
I'm not too worried really, I'd just like to know what they could be. Any suggestions?