The Student Room Group

Spots on chest

I noticed this morning,that there was a few red spots on my chest. Not proper spots like on your face, just red dots. And only a few. Theres about 4 in a small group together. I just looked a bit closer, and theres a few a bit further down, and a couple on one of my breasts.

When I was younger, if I was sick, I hated it so much and didn't do it "nicely" enough that I used to manage to burst blood vessels or something just under my eyes. Now, I think they sort of look like that, but I can't really remember.

Any ideas on what these might be? I did have a bit on sunburn on my chest about a week ago, but I'm wearing the same top I wore then and where some of the spots are they're covered up by my top.

They don't itch or anything, but I have a feeling there weren't as many earlier.

I'm not too worried really, I'd just like to know what they could be. Any suggestions?
Reply 1
they could just be spots,ive got a few on my chest too. try using a body scrub or a face scrub on them and they should clear up
Reply 2
Hm I sometimes get those too. They're not spots are they, I mean they're flat and just like coloured skin? I don't know why they're there, but find they disappear on their own.
Reply 3
Yeah, exactly. Its just little tiny dots of red. they're not raised at all, so I just assumed theyre made of blood(like a bruise but a mini bruise). As long as they don't get too obvious I won't mind too much!!
Reply 4
Yeah, exactly. Its just little tiny dots of red. they're not raised at all, so I just assumed theyre made of blood(like a bruise but a mini bruise). As long as they don't get too obvious I won't mind too much!!
Yeah I think so too, just not sure why they're there. :confused: How would tiny bruises like that appear on a chest?
Reply 5
I get them sometimes, just make sure you keep your skin clean and it should clear up in a couple of days :smile:
Reply 6
you may have a very small case of folliculitis, a couple of hairs may eventually grow out of them, if so just exfoliate to speed it up and WAXEM!
Reply 7
I don't think hairs grow there. :p:
Reply 8
don't hairs grow everywhere (almost, anyway)...? Its not that anyway. It's no raised bumps or anything, if I got someone to close their eyes and stroke, they wouldn't know there was anything there.
Reply 9
don't hairs grow everywhere (almost, anyway)...? Its not that anyway. It's no raised bumps or anything, if I got someone to close their eyes and stroke, they wouldn't know there was anything there.
Details, details. :p:

I know what you mean though. :smile: I wouldn't worry. They come and go for no apparent reason.
if I got someone to close their eyes and stroke


P.S. It's probably the measles or the bubonic plague.
Reply 11
Reply 12
Wtf :s: it won't let me edit my d's to D's?? Well you get the idea! :p: