The Student Room Group

sleeping through classes...

dunno if anyone else gets this, but i've just slept through another morning class. i don't understand how i could have done it though!! i was up really late working, so i was tired, but i was also really careful about switching on the alarm clock last night because this was an important class. and i just woke up several hours late to find the alarm clock switched off and my class over...

this isn't the first time this has happened, and i'm worried it'll get me into trouble. does anyone have any idea what's happening, is it possible i'm switching off the alarm in my sleep?? i find it hard to believe i'm sleeping through it (it doesnt switch off automatically) and i'm absolutely certain i don't just forget to put it on because i'm pretty anal about it...

anyone have any better ideas? its really starting to worry me:frown:
Reply 1
i do the same quite often.

i have no solution.

Reply 2
I do the same too...although not sleeping through class but just waking up late to find the alarm clock switched off. I think you either must have woke up and switched it off then went back to sleep without recollection of the memory of waking up!

So I use two mobile and my alarm clock. I just set the alarm on the mobile to go off about 10mins before the alarm clock is due to go off. Therefore, when the mobile goes off, it wakes me up but allows me to drift back to a light sleep and then wake up easier when the real alarm clock goes off. Get those alarm clocks that starts off with one beep, then increass to two beeps per second, then 3 beeps per second then it would turn into a long beeeeeeeeep afterwards until you switch it off.
Although there have been times when I wake up to find that my alarms switched off and my mobile is flipped open in my outstrectehd hand and i dont have any memory of switching those two off at all!!:eek:

Another simple solution is to put your alarm clock further away from you so that its not just arm's length for you to switch it off. When it goes off, it would mean you have to physically get out of your bed to turn it off.

Hope this helps:wink:
It's most likely that you're waking up a tiny bit and turning it off, then going back to sleep again. It's not uncommon.

There isn't really one single solution for this, but there are several thingsyou could do to help. Try buying a radio alarm or a very loud alarm, and put it on the other side of the room. That way when it goes off, you have to get out of bed to switch it off and that will wake you up a bit more.

If you are at uni and live in halls, why not ask someone else who has a class at that time to knock on your door on the way to the shower or something?

If you do find it difficult to get up after a late night, then it's possible you aren't getting enough sleep at other times: someone who sleeps enough shouldn't find it a problem for just one night. Why not try to get an hour's sleep more each night, and see how that goes?
Reply 4
I have to put my phone right next to my ear. that is the only way my phone will ever wake me up. Plus i can not turn my phone off once i am woken up or i will go back to sleep.
Reply 5
Buy loads of alarms and put them all over your room so you have to get up eventually :biggrin:
Reply 6
lol i have one of those alarm clocks that gets louder and louder until it eventually beats the fire alarm:p:

my first reflex is usually to press snooze rather than switch it off (trained myself, woohoo), which is why i find it odd:confused:

thanks for the ideas though, everyone...i've just asked one of my friends who has lectures at the same time to wake me up, and putting my alarm on the other side of the room sounds like a good idea, i'm gonna try that too:rolleyes:
Just out of interest, why are you anon? We've all done it mate, and at least you're not falling asleep in the lessons themselves (as i do in maths!)
Reply 8
Crazy Mongoose
Just out of interest, why are you anon? We've all done it mate, and at least you're not falling asleep in the lessons themselves (as i do in maths!)

Hahaha I do that too in chemistry...which isn't good since I'm doing chemistry for my degree..

Aaah nothing can beat the time that my dad fallen asleep in parents meeting back in comprehensive school....right IN FRONT of my geography teacher!:biggrin:
Reply 9
ARG! I did that this morning...I dont even realize...I keep on pressing snooze, snooze snooze...until I get a headache from the noise which is like a frikking horse that time though I've already missed my first class.
c'est la vie...we're just scraping the bottom of our energy recources. Once exams are over Im going to faint even before I get home. you know what I mean?
I have five alarms that go off each morning, not that they do anything, mind. :hmpf:
Reply 11
Crazy Mongoose
Just out of interest, why are you anon? We've all done it mate, and at least you're not falling asleep in the lessons themselves (as i do in maths!)

i dunno, i wrote the post in the morning straight after i'd slept in, so i was feeling stupid as.....! i suppose its pretty pointless but i don't want to suddenly change from anon halfway through the thread:p:

or maybe its just because i prefer giving advice than asking for it, and i am ridiculously proud. who knows:biggrin:
Yeah i done that before, only solution is go to bed a bit earlier instead of working all night
Reply 13
my boyfriend used to do that.. he used to switch off his alarm clock in his sleep and continue sleeping until someone woke him up.

using a mobile phone too is a good idea.. though set them at the same time, because it's more fun that way :P
Reply 14
keep your alarm clock at quite a distance from your bed n keep it sumwhere its hard to reach...just looking for the damn thing in the morning seems to wake me up!
Maybe leave your phone on vibrate under your pillow so that it shakes your head awake when it goes off as your alarm clock?

You can also buy these alarm clocks which gradually wake you up, by having a light which gets brighter and brighter, simulating dawn. Means you wake up more naturally and don't end up dozing off again...
Maybe leave your phone on vibrate under your pillow so that it shakes your head awake when it goes off as your alarm clock?

You can also buy these alarm clocks which gradually wake you up, by having a light which gets brighter and brighter, simulating dawn. Means you wake up more naturally and don't end up dozing off again...

sleep is more important than lectures tbh. Go with it
Reply 17
hehe ya it happens, i use 5 alarms, all around the room,,, and it just about works, lol!