The Student Room Group

Food poisoning?

I ate spaghetti bolognese last night and it tasted weird. Turned out the parmesan cheese that was on it (a lot of it) had gone off. I didn't realise until I'd finished eating, though, because I was starving so I just ate it really fast.

Since then I've felt really ill. Nauseous, diarrhoea, and throwing up. It's been 16 hours and I feel slightly better but not much. Could I have food poisoning and what should I do?
I'd go to the hospital or doctors ASAP
drink plenty of fluid, else you may become de-hydrated. also try eating something light. if it doesn't get any better, then perhaps you should go to the doctor.
Reply 3
I ate spaghetti bolognese last night and it tasted weird. Turned out the parmesan cheese that was on it (a lot of it) had gone off. I didn't realise until I'd finished eating, though, because I was starving so I just ate it really fast.

Since then I've felt really ill. Nauseous, diarrhoea, and throwing up. It's been 16 hours and I feel slightly better but not much. Could I have food poisoning and what should I do?

Honey, don't panic. Food poisoning bugs ultimately come on really, really quickly but they also leave you very, very quickly. Give it about 24 hours and if you still don't feel any better, seek medical attention. At the end of the day there's not really much they can do to help you, you just have to flush out all the toxins. Keep drinking water and try to keep your temperature down.
drink plenty of fluid, else you may become de-hydrated. also try eating something light. if it doesn't get any better, then perhaps you should go to the doctor.

:dito:'ve gotta make sure you keep your fluids up...last time i had food poisoning I was told to only eat quite dry food like toast (no butter or jam), or digestive biscuits...maybe try eating something a little later and see if you can keep it down - if it's been 16 hours surely it must be out of your system soon?:confused: ...if your still not getting better you should probably go to see your doctor...hope you feel better :smile:
Reply 5
Don't eat anything. The last thing you want to do is eat mate.
Chase Me
Don't eat anything. The last thing you want to do is eat mate.

it might be the last thing you want to do, but it would do more harm than good to starve yourself. your body needs energy to sort itself out, which you'll get from food, even if it is only something light.
Reply 7
I feel really shaky and weak as well:confused:

damn cheese
Try lucozade, will give you energy and replace any lost electrolytes