The Student Room Group

Facial Hair


So i'm a 16 year old guy nearing on 17 and i'm sick of my lack of facial hair. From my side burns down and also under my chin i have thick dark facial hair. So i could easily grow thick sideburns and an undergrowth kinda beard. However, my upper lip has just very few hairs that aren't as thick as the others and my chin has none whatsoever. My cheeks, near my mouth, are the same. I really want a goatee/tash. Immaturish, probably, but does anyone know of any methods of encouraging facial hair. Puberty/nature just ain't fast enough:rolleyes:

Reply 1
I find that whenever I just let my beard roam free near or around places I want it to get thicker for a few weeks I start to get hair coming through in new places.
Reply 2
as soon as you get hair above your lip, you'll hate it, i had it early on and hated it, always a pain to remove and shave. Trust me, its one of those things you think will be great but turn out crap. people under 20 with goatee's rarely look good my friend :P
It sounds silly, but i find the best way of encouraging hair is to shave. Whenever i had bum fluff, i would shave it off, until i got a decent amount of hair popping up in its place.
Reply 4
I dont particularly find it sexy but you could resort to the oldest of tricks: fake mustache.
Reply 5
if i was to get a fake moustache twud be this one for sure:
There's nothing you can do, short of getting testosterone shots. It's a waiting game.
Reply 7
I'm almost 18 and prolly have less then you...
Reply 8
I've had loads of facial hair since I was's down to how the rest of your family is I think.

Saying that, I'm ten times hairier than my Dad or anyone else in my family :s-smilie:
Reply 9
not having to shave is much more convenient
Reply 10
Yea good point matey. Pisses me off having to shave every day, although does look shexay when I leave it as stubble :smile:
Reply 11
My dad's a ****in monkey....and i have a hair body, think hair on my head etc. Just my damn face that ain't up to scratch.

And i'm past the point of not shaving my face lol....i have to shave half my face:frown:
Reply 12
^ he has a point. the designer stubble is quite good. And shaving is quite good, well the feeling you have after it, all refeshed and such is brilliant. like your up for anything!
Reply 13
don't make the mistake of thinking that the more you shave the more hairs you will get. Just let nature do it's job. Sounds like you have more than I had when i was 16.

note: being properly clean shaven is ****ing horrible.
Reply 14
i get thicker hair on my face than on my head these days...

getting old...getting old... :biggrin:
Reply 15
research shows that sleep makes beards grow faster

and regular shaves will help sprout thicker hairs
Reply 16
shaving improves the quality of hairs (in terms of thickness), not the quantity