The Student Room Group
i do the same, i have no tips.
Practice, my dear.

When you're out with your friends, break away from the group, play all super social - approach lots of groups of people, almost ignoring the most photogenic one in the group at first; just the occasional glance til he/she engages you, then it's plain sailing :smile:

Knockbacks are never a reflection on you. Maybe the person is otherwise inclined, had a bad day, is just cold, or maybe your skills and social calibration could do with refining - and that's what the practice is for. Just do it.
Reply 3
Its prolly cos you're more confident, and don't feel the need to impress around guys you don't like. My strategy (I use the term loosely) when I'm around girls I like is to sit in quiet awe of their beauty, while repeating the words 'I love you' over and over in my head, on the off chance that they're literally mind-readers.

Success Rate: Nil.
Reply 4
BE CONFIDENT thats the key...
argh me too...ive just lost a guy who i have to see everyday, but i cant talk to about anything apart from trivial things like "have you revised for the test today?" just because im so in awe of him.... and because people know that i can be such a flirt, they dont know that im just scared...
I understand what you mean, its because when you do like the guy, you are trying to impress him and make him think your great, you can try to hard and end up making yourself look stupid instead of flirting lol
When your flirting with guys you dont wanna date its because your more relaxed that its easier, your not trying to get the guy to fall for you!

So.. i guess when your trying to flirt with a guy you like,pretend its someone you dont wanna date or try not to look at him too much! That way you will forget how gorgeous he is and will flirt better lol
Ditto everyone above...I can flirt for hours with total strangers but as soon as a guy I like comes along, I totally clam up! Glad other people do this too! :smile:
Reply 8
Me too. With guys I actually like I pretend to be someone I'm not or act all girly and ditzy. Weird....:confused:
Reply 9
Aw, thats cos when its a guy you like you get all nervous and become all self conscious- we all do it- it happens to everyone when we're in that position!:hmpf:
Reply 10
I'm the same cause I get all shy around guys I actually like and guys I don't I can be flirty n confident around. I agree, it's defo a confidence thing...u flirt with guys u don't actually like cause you have nothing to lose and in general it's quite fun to flirt. It might get ya into trouble though cause guys that u don't like may think that u do, and ur givin out the wrong message.
^ "We all do"?
I can't help you's all you. I have no problem flirting with anybody. :P I even play-flirt with my girl friends! ahahaha
the title pretty much says it all... i'm ace at flirting... when i don't want to date the guy. but if it's a guy i'm really interested in? i get all odd. anyone else like this? any tips?

Pretend to yourself that youre not bothered about the outcome when it is actually someone you fancy, keep in mind that there are plenty of other fish in the sea and if they turn you down its their loss not yours! Keep practicing on the ones you dont really fancy, but dont be cruel or string them along too much. :biggrin:
ive done that before...i guy i didnt fancy but i knew he fancied me...was looking at me and i waved at him flirtilly....but i fancied someone else and i was always giggling! i feel bad like i have led him on but that was all i did lol
Happens to me a lot too :rolleyes: I have lots of guy mates I can happily flirt with and they flirt back, however when a guy I'm into comes along I start talking crap and must seem like the most boring, ditzy girl ever :redface:
:marchmell :ditto:
Reply 17
Happens to me a lot too :rolleyes: I have lots of guy mates I can happily flirt with and they flirt back, however when a guy I'm into comes along I start talking crap and must seem like the most boring, ditzy girl ever :redface:
I know... I say the stupidest thing... and like today? I walked by him without realizing it was him... but I guess he didnt see me either? ahhh
i feel pretty much the same... girls i dont like all of a sudden ask me out... but i dont know how to ask out girls i like... arg!

the first time i asked a girl out i simply said: "shall we go out?"
lol, luckily, she liked me too and didnt take it literally. but the next 2 cases in which i did that it just wouldnt work... it was to simple for a normal girl to understand it with "feeling" ...(dont know how to explain fully, really) but you get the idea... *snif!*
Reply 19
Its prolly cos you're more confident, and don't feel the need to impress around guys you don't like. My strategy (I use the term loosely) when I'm around girls I like is to sit in quiet awe of their beauty, while repeating the words 'I love you' over and over in my head, on the off chance that they're literally mind-readers.

Success Rate: Nil.

haha aww :p:

im completely the same as u ladygrey.. doesnt it suck??
whenever im near the guy im interested in i get all quiet and when i do say something it'll be really stupid things and im just lucky he's nice enough to cover up if it gets awkward.