The Student Room Group

Hodgkins Disease

I have recently found out that i have hodgkins disease and started chemo, the first one was awful and made me feel so bad, but the second one was much better the only probs i had was a headache and feeing of tired but i found a lump in my neck - heres what happened -
this is what happened -
about two weeks ago i was babysitting and i had an itch on my neck and felt two lumps. So off i went to the doctors and they said it was just lymph glands - we went through this 3 times and on the 3rd time seeing a different doctor we were transferred to another doctor. This was then at a hospital and i had to have an ultrasound on neck and chest xray, he then went through that and said how it could be a turmor as one node seemed oversized and there is a possibility it could be cancer but he wanted to do a biopsey to be sure of that. On monday i had a biopsey at the hospital and ended up staying in overnight, on the tuesday i had to have a ct scan so i had to drink this disgusting white stuff there was a jug full of it and i really couldn't manage the whole lot. Then today i went back to get my results of the biopsey and it turns out i have Hodgkins Disease i can't believe it - why me? i have just got over major scoliosis surgery and wearing a brace for 6 months that was bad enough and now this. I have got to have a bone marrow test next week to check its not spread there and then ill have to start chemo for 6 months which will mean ill loose my hair - i can't believe that either i have nice long hair and it took me years to grow it that long. so i will have to wear a wig and a friend says yesturday i will have a wig to go with every outfit i wear.
My mum had breast and thyroid cancer when i was 9 and that was really hard, the worst bit was being told i'l loose my hair. Im just so upset and it still hasn't even sunk into me yet.
Just trying to stay positive - had two chemos already and the next ones on thursday.
Is there anyone else out there that has hodgkins? if so please get in touch with me it would be good to hear and talk to you!

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Reply 1
well i dont actually have hodgkins disease but i know 2 people that have. Unfortunately 1 was discovered at a very late stage and so did not even both with treatment for it and died a few months later (quite a whil ago). But on the bright side they had lead a long long life and would have died from smoking anyway. However i know a person who had hodgkins, caught early) and took treatment for it and is now clear of it. And now he is expecting a son. So altho it may seem bad at the mo things have a way of working out usually for the better.
Reply 2
i like how people comment loads on 'facial hair', 'masturbation problems', 'sleeping with underage people', 'omg he doesn't love me anymore'... etc.. but as soon as a real problem arises, everyone seems to turn a blind eye..

just a general observation.

i've personally never been in contact with cancer, but i know that it can effect people tremendously. it's good to see that you are staying positive, and to be honest, losing your hair isn't the be all and end all. i mean, i know i would hate to lose mine, but it will grow back :smile:

wish you all the luck though. chin up, and you will be fine. :smile:
I don't have it myself, but my dad had hodgkins lymphoma, so I sort of know what you're going through, I was there when he had the chemotherapy and radiotherapy. He's fine now though, and he's been in remission for 4 years! Still, it's not something you forgot about so if you'd like someone to talk to I'm here x
I suggest you read Lance Armstrongs autobiography.
It's an amazing book and can hopefully shed some light on how to make your forthcoming chemo more bearable.
Sorry, I don't know much about it but just thought I'd add a general message of support. I might also suggest that if you have long hair now you could have it cut off just before you start chemo and have a wig made out of it - that way you'll still have your own hair, almost. I have a friend who had a different type of cancer, in her leg (this was about 2 years ago and it hasn't come back so far, by the way) and while she didn't have chemo in the end, she was planning to go with the own hair wig if she had had to. Losing your hair isn't the worst part obviously but it must be annoying and anything that makes the whole thing less stressful might help.
Best of luck with it all, hope you feel better asap. xx
i like how people comment loads on 'facial hair', 'masturbation problems', 'sleeping with underage people', 'omg he doesn't love me anymore'... etc.. but as soon as a real problem arises, everyone seems to turn a blind eye..

just a general observation.

i've personally never been in contact with cancer, but i know that it can effect people tremendously. it's good to see that you are staying positive, and to be honest, losing your hair isn't the be all and end all. i mean, i know i would hate to lose mine, but it will grow back :smile:

wish you all the luck though. chin up, and you will be fine. :smile:

Yes I noticed that too; this is probably because those issues are 'common' and 'easy to understand', with something like cancer, and particularly a type of it, not many know about it and consequently won't know what to say.
Reply 7
Yes I noticed that too; this is probably because those issues are 'common' and 'easy to understand', with something like cancer, and particularly a type of it, not many know about it and consequently won't know what to say.

Plus in those threads you can be insensitive and make jokes..but in these ones you dont want to upset anyone.

Are you more worried about losing your hair or what people will think when you've lost your hair? To be honest, people are very sympathetic and understand and don't stare because its common. People know about chemotherapy. Serious.
The best thing you can do for your body is remain calm and cheerful, depression won't get you anywhere. Plus good diet yada yada.

Chin up x
Reply 8
just to say best of luck hun and keep your chin up xxx:smile:
Reply 9
just to say best of luck hun and keep your chin up xxx:smile:

Yeah same here, I hope it all goes well for you. There must be another forum out there somewhere specifically for young people who have cancer and who understand what you're going through, perhaps it's worth having a look? :hugs:
Reply 10
My sister had scoliosis, and had lots of major surgery for that, so I know a bit about what you went through then. So you've already been through so much, so you know you can beat this as well.
Reply 11
Don't really know what to say, but good luck :hugs: I wish you well :smile:
Reply 12

I just want to say good luck and keep faith.
I don't have Hodgkins, but I know the "why me" feeling, cos I've had it hit the fan with my health as well.

What I find helps, and some people will say that it's rubbish etc... but raiki (sp?) works wonders on my spine, head and has even helped my heart.

Oh, and about the losing your hair, look on the bright side, you can get a few different wigs with different colours or lengths that you can change when you want to. A mate had a bone tumour and he got 3 different wigs, and they all looked 100% real, but one was a hot pink punk rocker mohawk, one was a green and blue mullet to the small of his back and the third was a black with silver highlights about shoulder length.
reading things like this really makes me put my own stupid worries into perspective. i've been really upset all day about some silly thing and now i just can't believe how selfish and insignificant it seems in comparison with what you are going through.
i hope everything works out ok, that idea about having your own hair made into a wig sounds like a great plan!!
keep the faith and try to stay positive, these things are sent to test us.
hugs xxx
Reply 15
I dont know anyone with the disease but I hope you get well soon :flowers:
take care
Reply 16
Keep smiling hunny, modern medicine gets better every day. Think positive :smile:
I don't have Hodgkin's but both my grandparents had cancer...I know it's hard but it's important to try to keep positive...good luck :smile: (and remember; hair grows:smile: )
Reply 18
I don't have any first hand experience with cancer, thank goodness, but my Dad did have a cancer scare a few months ago.
I can only with you the best of luck in winning the battle with cancer, and overcoming this horrible disease. My heart goes out to you totally, and you will be in my thoughts.
If you want someone to talk to, moan to or just a shoulder to cry on away from your friends and family, PM me.

Edit : And I must express shock at the fact that this post has received very little response in comparison to 'Can mingers ever find true love', 'How many people have you slept with', 'Share a secret' and the like. How hard is it to post a message of support to this poor girl?
Reply 19
I can't say much other than that Hodgkin's is one of the most readily treatable forms of cancer there is so if you've spotted it reasonably early you should be OK. That being said, I wish you all the luck in the world. Keep us posted, eh? :smile: