The Student Room Group

How strict is UCL?

My predicted grades are AAB and my offer for computer science and maths is AAA.

How strict do you think UCL are on their grades restrictions because although they want AAA from me, I know someone who got an AAB offer for the same course (shame she isn’t accepting it). Oh well, I knew I messed up that interview.:frown:

Also going a little off topic, how strict is the normal entrance for a maths or computer science degree? are they normally competitive degrees because i was talking to my maths teacher today and she said that her offer for warwick AAA but she still got in with ABC (which i thought was strange).
By the way, she is a student teacher so her entry wasn't that long ago ... lol

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Reply 1
I would've thought it depended on how under/oversubscribed the course is
Law with French law were lenient with me and a few others.
Needed AAA got AABB.
It depends on whether they manage to fill their places with students who have the right grades or not. If it helps, they'll allow an AAB student in before they look to clearing, and possibly an ABB student too.

I don't think it's a matter of how strict they are but a matter of what circumstances they are given.

Good luck.
Law with French law were lenient with me and a few others.
Needed AAA got AABB.

Hmm. Obviously aren't bursting with talented students then.
Yo mama's bursting with talented students.
Yo mama's bursting with talented students.

...of yo mama.
Well... I bursted out of her, so I suppose you're right. :wink:
Reply 9
Well... I bursted out of her, so I suppose you're right. :wink:

OM won this round.
That would imply lots of talented students have bursted out of her.
The implications of that aren't so sweet. :wink:
That would imply lots of talented students have bursted out of her.
The implications of that aren't so sweet. :wink:

lol. Nah, my brother is a thickie.
Very strict, they have whips.
Reply 14
Yeah I was wondering about that myself.

See, as you will already know I have an offer for ESPS, though it's quite high : htey want 14 overall, 15 in English, History and German and 10 in maths. Of course I *do* intend to work them all and make sure that it won't be a problem, but *in case* there is something that goes wrong?

I mean, let's have it this way. I might be a bit short on german (I had only 14/20 on the mock exam) which would be a pain. If I had, say, 13 or 14 instead of 15, do you think they'd still take me?

Let's see another possibility. Assuming I get the 15 in German, I know the other grades are not a problem, but for the general average grade. If for example I fail Biology (which I'm likely to do, the only question being to what extent I will fail it, because it could range between 1 and 9, and given I am in the "Scientific" path, it has a pretty strong "coefficient") (sorry for all this french baccalaureate jargon, people),
so if I fail Biology, and it puts down my average grade to like 13.something do you think they would still take me or reject me? Because I mean biology obviously doesn't matter for a bit for ESPS, but they still gave me an average grade, so...
Hmm.... If you get 13.7 or something the examination board could give you an extra point to get to mention bien if your bulletins are good.

But otherwise, call up UCL and BEGGGGG and cry and explain how ****** hard the french system is and how all the exams are in 1 week and bla bla bla.
OR. If they still dont accept you, go to a prépa for a year and re apply. I know someone who got 13.4, went to prepa, applied to UCL and got in.
Reply 16
Hmm.... If you get 13.7 or something the examination board could give you an extra point to get to mention bien if your bulletins are good.

But otherwise, call up UCL and BEGGGGG and cry and explain how ****** hard the french system is and how all the exams are in 1 week and bla bla bla.
OR. If they still dont accept you, go to a prépa for a year and re apply. I know someone who got 13.4, went to prepa, applied to UCL and got in.

I'd rather not screw a year. And if they don't take me I'd rather apply to Ox again :frown:

but I mean, do you seriously think they'd turn me down because of a bad grade in biology?
Reply 17
at the economics open day if i remeber correctly they basically said that they wouldnt accept anything below the 3As needed but i think it does depend on circumstances and general applicant quality
ive been so scared about this too. My offer is for Ancient History & Egyptology, and my predicted grades are AAB (B in history) but UCL offered me AAB but one A HAS to be in history, and at the minute, thats not gonna happen. But i want to get in SOOOOOO much, like you wouldbt believe.
Hmm.... If you get 13.7 or something the examination board could give you an extra point to get to mention bien if your bulletins are good.

But otherwise, call up UCL and BEGGGGG and cry and explain how ****** hard the french system is and how all the exams are in 1 week and bla bla bla.
OR. If they still dont accept you, go to a prépa for a year and re apply. I know someone who got 13.4, went to prepa, applied to UCL and got in.

Hey , I am actually in the same kind of position as your friend .Got any idea which program he had applied to ? Did he just do 1 year of prepa ?