Yeah I was wondering about that myself.
See, as you will already know I have an offer for ESPS, though it's quite high : htey want 14 overall, 15 in English, History and German and 10 in maths. Of course I *do* intend to work them all and make sure that it won't be a problem, but *in case* there is something that goes wrong?
I mean, let's have it this way. I might be a bit short on german (I had only 14/20 on the mock exam) which would be a pain. If I had, say, 13 or 14 instead of 15, do you think they'd still take me?
Let's see another possibility. Assuming I get the 15 in German, I know the other grades are not a problem, but for the general average grade. If for example I fail Biology (which I'm likely to do, the only question being to what extent I will fail it, because it could range between 1 and 9, and given I am in the "Scientific" path, it has a pretty strong "coefficient") (sorry for all this french baccalaureate jargon, people),
so if I fail Biology, and it puts down my average grade to like 13.something do you think they would still take me or reject me? Because I mean biology obviously doesn't matter for a bit for ESPS, but they still gave me an average grade, so...