The Student Room Group

Going dizzy

My brain just went all fuzzy and shaky for a few secs and it felt like I was in a lift or something. Also yesterday about the same time I went all hot, lightheaded and weak like I needed to eat as though I had diabetes:confused:
Could this be anything to do with sleeping all day and being up all night do you think? Ive got into a habit of sleeping from 7 am until 4pm and being up the rest of the time. Ive had this routine for weeks and no matter what I try keep slipping into it:redface:
Or is it something else?
Reply 1
Are you dehydrated?
Reply 2
Hah, that's my natural sleep pattern [if it wasn't for school I'd be classified as nocturnal over the Winter :p: ] but i can't say that I've ever been affected like that. Dizziness can be a symptom of ear infection but I'm not sure in what other ways that would manifest itself.
Reply 3
Are you dehydrated?

Not that I know of, I drink etc
Reply 4
Hah, that's my natural sleep pattern [if it wasn't for school I'd be classified as nocturnal over the Winter :p: ] but i can't say that I've ever been affected like that. Dizziness can be a symptom of ear infection but I'm not sure in what other ways that would manifest itself.

Thats what I thought loads of people are nocturnal lol though my mum says all these problems are caused by sleeping at the wrong time, shes a nurse but I still don't know whether to believe her.
Reply 5
Ahh sounds just like bad head rushes. when I get tired or dehydrated I tend to get them when I stand up or sit up or else a few seconds later. Poor blood pressure I guess. Kinda have to grab on to something, everything starts to go dark in a tunne; like effect, go wobbly and dizzy. Really weird.
I'd drink more water, and get more rest like has been suggested
Reply 6
Ahh sounds just like bad head rushes. when I get tired or dehydrated I tend to get them when I stand up or sit up or else a few seconds later. Poor blood pressure I guess. Kinda have to grab on to something, everything starts to go dark in a tunne; like effect, go wobbly and dizzy. Really weird.
I'd drink more water, and get more rest like has been suggested

I get the eyes go black thing when I stand up too, really annoying. This was a bit different I was already sat down and my brain can I say it jumpy lol. Your probably right though.
Reply 7
Maybe your aneamic?
Reply 8
Myeh, there are a lot of other possibilities - I've given blood several times and they check your blood to check if your aneamic etc - so mine at least certainly aren't down to that.
I'd put it down do being tired, dehydrated, low bloodpressure perhaps.

Of course, this does seem to be the sort of thing you ask your parents about, and if they don't know and you're concerned, ask your GP next time. It's hardly something any of us can diagnose, and any med students (the kind likely to be on here) around are bound by law not to give medical advice.
So yeah, maybe ask a GP, but sounds like you just need to rest
it could be anemia or low blood pressure cos that happens a lot to me and I HAVE been diagnosed as anemic. :smile:
This sort of thing you really need to ask a doctor rather than people making random guesses on here.

Maybe your pregnant? thats my random guess
Does it happen just after you stand up or get out of bed? then its likely to be postural hypotension, last time I was tested systolic BP dropped 43mmHg on standing :wink: or could be a general low BP problem.

As you're female there's increased possiblity could be anaemia. Try taking a multi vit (includes b12 etc..) and increase amount of dietary iron.

Also try taking glucose tablets to see if you feel better then maybe goto doc and have a glucose test to check if you're hypoglycemic etc... unlikely to be diabetes.

I get this a lot. I have orthostatic hypotension (last time I was tested I fell 32 mmHg lying to sitting), and I have a tendency to hypoglycæmia.

Make sure you're eating properly, carry a bar of chocolate or some glucose tabs with you, and keep very hydrated. You may not think you're dehydrated, but dehydration sets in well before thirst does. Aim to drink 2 litres (8 large glasses) per day, more if it's hot or you're doing physical activity or drinking alcohol. Try and get the sleeping patterns sorted out (I know it's hard, but it's not impossible, I've done it, PM me if you need help).

Most importantly, see your GP if it happens again. :smile: