The Student Room Group


Ok so since ive been at uni ive upped my game a bit when it comes to drinking. so now i get mother hangovers when i go out. however recently theyve been getting ridiculous. for instance last night i didnt really drink that much. probably 4/5 doubles which is not that much for me. however this morning when i was walking back from the kitchen i completely lost my sight, it just blurred then i just collapsed on my bed. this has happened a few times before. i don't get it. what has my sight got to do with drinking. anyone else suffer like this?? :frown:
that doesnt sound like a hangover. u should go see a doctor
Reply 2
Ok so since ive been at uni ive upped my game a bit when it comes to drinking. so now i get mother hangovers when i go out. however recently theyve been getting ridiculous. for instance last night i didnt really drink that much. probably 4/5 doubles which is not that much for me. however this morning when i was walking back from the kitchen i completely lost my sight, it just blurred then i just collapsed on my bed. this has happened a few times before. i don't get it. what has my sight got to do with drinking. anyone else suffer like this?? :frown:

If you drink a huge amount you do start to loose your sight tempererily hence the phrase 'blind drunk'
Did you drink the night before that?
Reply 4
Does your Uni have a medical drop in thing? Would be worth just popping in and asking for advice. You'll probably get better advice than you would on here. (No offence to anyone on the board, but we arn't qualified).

And if it is just a hangover, the most you'll get is a lecture on drinking safely, better be safe than sorry.
Reply 5
bottle of 750ml of water when u get back in, take another one to bed, have some when you first wake up, and keep taking sips until you actually get up. then you should be alritish.
Most likely a drop in your blood sugar and dehydration. Make sure you eat somethng even if you feel a bit queasy and don't feel like it, and get lots of fluids.
Reply 7
Lucozade tablets are good for the morning and water always water! Get checked out anyway!
Reply 8
however this morning when i was walking back from the kitchen i completely lost my sight, it just blurred then i just collapsed on my bed.

Alcohol suppresses the metabolism of glucose in the brain, especially in the occipital lobe, which is the part of the brain that deals with visual inputs; consequently, the cells lose the ability to process images properly, causing blurred vision.
Reply 9
Before you go out and get drunk get in some cans of Coconut Water. Keep in the fridge and drink a can the minute you wake up the next morning. Half an hour later you will be as right as rain. I didn't believe it until I tried it.