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there really ought to be a pregnancy thread, the amount of people who post these problems!!!
Reply 2
I took my pill late one day and slept with my boyfriend without a condom the next day. My period came a few days later but it was really light. Is there a possibility i could be pregnant? I'm really scared/paranoid! :confused:

away with you to the clinic if you're worried... : )

As far as i was aware a girl had to stop taking her pill to have a proper period and if she still took it she'd have a light period.

something to do with the pill preventing egg release or something? I dunno. someone will know better than me!

(:eek: I had a really long relationship once...... lol)

Reply 3
I took my pill late one day and slept with my boyfriend without a condom the next day. My period came a few days later but it was really light. Is there a possibility i could be pregnant? I'm really scared/paranoid! :confused:

You did have a period none the less though, so you're problably okay. Maybe it was light because of the pill making your periods lighter??
Reply 4
No, ive been on the pill for a long time so i generally know how light/heavy they will be. I stopped taking the pill a few days after sleeping with him as it came to the end of my packet and i was on my week break to have my period. it came, but im worried that i could still be pregnant as it was light, and since it was close to my period wen i had the unprotected sex with him then the womb lining could still have came out in a period and i could have still got pregnant i think. Im really worried.
Reply 5
You dont have any symptoms of possibly being pregnant do you? Feeling sick, sore boobs etc..?

You're probably ok, but theres only one way to find out.

I dont know how old you are, but could you not be stressed due to exams, or not eating properly etc.. a million and one things can make your periods go weird??
Reply 6
I took my pill late one day and slept with my boyfriend without a condom the next day. My period came a few days later but it was really light. Is there a possibility i could be pregnant? I'm really scared/paranoid! :confused:

It's very probable that you're not pregnant but anyway... I so do understand how you feel... I experienced it twice with my current bf (like I thought that I'm pregnant) and it made so extremely depressed...seriosly.. so I guess the only advice I can give you is to relax
Unlikely but you never know i have known extreme cases where a girl has missed 1 pill and got pregnant (or for the pill to fail)
Reply 8
I'm not sure if im just paranoid about things like im thinkin my boobs feel bigger and i feel hungrier a lot. I'm thinking about going to buy a test but im completly scared i am found out ( my parents can NOT know ) or i see someone i know wen im buying it or something. I'm just scared tht i am because ive heard of girls tht are pregnant and dont even know, like they still have periods. I'm overly paranoid.
Reply 9
You could go to the doctor and get tested there instead? But try not to worry too much. I've seen people on here say when they thought they were pregnant they exhibited signs of pregnancy because their brain was playing tricks on them. So it could be that.

I would recommend getting tested though (at the doc's if you're scared your parents will find out...everything at the GP MUST be kept confidential), just so you know.
Reply 10
I took my pill late one day and slept with my boyfriend without a condom the next day. My period came a few days later but it was really light. Is there a possibility i could be pregnant? I'm really scared/paranoid! :confused:

when you say "one day late" what do you mean? If you're on the combined pill and you took it within the 12 hour window you're safe. If you took it after te 12 hour period then there is a chance
Tbh you should have used a condom too. Two methods are always better than 1. People think they can rely on the pill. You can't. Also you're forgetting the STI risk.
Reply 12
Take a test

there really ought to be a pregnancy thread, the amount of people who post these problems!!!


dont worry too much jus test and be more careful in the future! :wink:
Reply 13
Tbh you should have used a condom too. Two methods are always better than 1. People think they can rely on the pill. You can't. Also you're forgetting the STI risk.

Yeah cos this helps now...... it's like telling someone who was run down by a bus... "u really shud have looked b4 u crossed the road"... i think its a bit late. i sure as hell wont be doing it again. And i wudnt have sex without a condom with a stranger whom could have an STI for all i know, i just so happen to know that my boyfriend does not.
Reply 14
when you say "one day late" what do you mean? If you're on the combined pill and you took it within the 12 hour window you're safe. If you took it after te 12 hour period then there is a chance

Well i think i may have been on the borderline. I always found the 12 hour period a bit confusing. But lets say i usually take my pill wen i get up around 7 or 8ish. And i took the late pill at around 6.30pm (ish). I am aware that this is sorta pushing the time limit and that the 12 hour limit is a bit vague as u cannot become pregnant EXACTLY after 12 hours as far as i know... i think it all depends on the person. I think :confused:
Reply 15
IT does indeed - and some studies have shown that missing one pill can have no effect on its efficiency. I'd say it's extremely unlikely that you are pregnant. However, you're obviously worried, so the simple thing to do is take a test. If you are at uni you should be able to get them from your Welfare people for free; if not then your local FPC should do them, or you can just buy one.