The Student Room Group

i dont get it

Right..I'll keep this short..basically i'm so confused...Ive been friends with this guy (btw im a girl :p: ) for about a year and everytime we are online on msn we always chat. Now all of a sudden he doesnt even initiate a convesation..the furthests the conversation goes is hi how are you..i'm fine you..yea im cool..and that is it! before we used to have proper long i got nothing :confused: I dont get it!! Can anyone come up with a reasonable explanation to this? Thanks in advance :smile:
Reply 1
lol im having the same experience the other way round as in im a guy. Christ only knows why, personally ive given up because its like trying to get blood from a stone. Anyway probably best that you try talking to him and ask why.
Reply 2
Possibly you just dont have that much to talk about anymore? This has happened to me quite a few times with different people.

My old friend jenny, used to talk for hours, and then it was just the standard hi, how are you thing, and then we just stopped chatting altogether..... Maybe you should talk to him about this?
Reply 3
Maybe you've drifted apart... the eagerness he showed before may have indicated the fact that he fancied you, maybe he doesn't anymore. It could also be that he's shy, that he's busy (with exams or something), or that he's sick of always initiating conversations. Would it be too hard to ask him something like "I've noticed you don't say hi first anymore" or something, just in a jokey way and see his response. There's no point analysing his behaviour because it could be anything (he is a guy after all) instead I reckon you should just ask him straight out - he could be playing 'hard to get'... you never know :wink:
Reply 4
no i know he doesnt fancy me..because about a year ago i said to him that i fancied him...and he basically said that he didnt feel the same way but just be friends. So were are friends. Even though now he doesnt initiate a conversation, i have twice now!...i dont want to ask him straight out that 'why arent you saying anything' because i dont want to sounds desparate..and plus if he was busy he would have put his msn status as busy right!..i dont get it bcos it happend just all of a sudden literally :confused:
Reply 5
Rather than wait for him to say something, why don't you try and initiate a long conversation? Bring up something that has happened recently, ask how something is going that he may be doing, give your views on something and ask what he thinks, anything random but chatty and things should lead on from there.

Then again, you may be reading into this too much. Msn causes misunderstandings sometimes as I realised when I first started using it. Because he doesn't say much doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't want to talk to you. He might be busy, might have too many simultaneous conversations going, or just shy to start things going.

Do you speak to him much in real life? If he does make converstation with you in real life, then it's clear he isn't avoiding you or anything like that. And if he really didn't want to speak to you, then he would have blocked you anyway. It's also possible that you just used to speak to each other too much and have run out of things to talk about. Maybe try chatting with him less often and then you will have more to catch up on.
Reply 6
There's no point analysing his behaviour because it could be anything (he is a guy after all)

SO VERY TRUE!!! :biggrin:
Reply 7
Dont think you've much option other than to ask straight out. If you want an answer its the best way to go.
Reply 8
thanks guys :redface: i think i will stop analysing it too deep! whatever happens happens i guess...i'll talk to him in a round about way hehe..thankya
Reply 9
Because msn has it's limits and once you've got a persons life story that's about it as far as internet communication is concerned