Hi, well this is long and complicated but I thought that I might see if I can get some advice.
Basically, last week I ended the relationship with my ex boyfriend. There are many reasons why I had to end it. He is very un-organised, doesn't have or seem to want a job. He's unemployed with no money or stable income. He also dropped out of uni simply because the course wasn't for him. That is understandable because I myself and many other people wouldn't want to be on an un-enjoyable course (I'm at uni and work part time by the way). I excepted that and was on the understanding that he was going to get a job where he would at least have some prospects which could lead on to much better things. When I met him, I thought that he had the prospects that I want in a boyfriend, he was in uni doing a business course and I thought he had life sorted but he messed it up for himself. It was understandable that he was unemployed because he was a student so that didn't bother me at the time. Also, my family thought he was no good for me because he didn't have any prospects and was unmotivated, even though they thought he was a nice guy.
Another reason I had to end it is the fact he promised that he would help me take my case and things to the station but didn't (I stayed in his hometown for a few days). We had a huge argument. I was left to carry all my cases through a strange town which I don't really know and all the way back to my hometown. This really hurt me and with this my family’s view of him as a nice guy changed. My mum went mad & thinks he was just using me. Now all my family and friends think he's horrible. They said that if he really did think something about me he would have took me to the station. You don't make your girlfriend carry heavy things through a strange town on her own. I also found out that he got told off from his family for acting this way.
Now is time that I need to try and move on. I'm feeling a mixture of emotions and miss him. He was my first love, (as my mum says) I was with him over 6 months and he was the man I lost my virginity to. That makes it hard. I loved him and still do but I just know that nothings going to work because we both have different views on life. He's happy with no money, etc (just going with the flow) and I want to succeed and be happy in life. There’s no way he could have been a long term partner. I've been told that if I was with him I'd be the one working while he'd be bumming around the house and then I'd have to come back from work and start work again in the house.
Anyway how do I move on with life without feeling upset? What do I do? Thanks.