The Student Room Group


im comin to the end of skool and il be going to uni in september. since iv been there iv always had the same type of friends - swotty and boring. dont get me wrong they are lovely people, but i have nothin in common with them. I want to go out to clubs at weekends and they dont - so im basically stuck. Iv always been quite shy, so iv never been able to get in with the louder crowds or those who do socialise and so I dont have anyone else to go out with. Everyone else at skool has now associated me with them, so its not like i can just get invited out elsewhere. Equally many people at my skool see me as a bit of a bitch - i was admittedly a few years ago (just cos i was so unhappy and was lashing out). I feel upset that im not gona look back at skool and think about how much i loved being with the people there. Im also worried that im gona be stuck in the same situation at uni. is anyone else in a similar situation?
Reply 1
Just try to turn a new leaf when you are at uni, try and make sure you talk to a few people then you will make friends. Try to act confident, because if they see your a confident person then they would love to be firends with you. You might meet people who have personalitys as near to yours.

Good Luck! I hope everything works out for you :smile:
Think of uni as a positvive step in re-inventing yourself. i dont mean change who you are, just let people see the real side of you. like you said you want to go out and socialise - you will fit right into universtiy life with that attitude. your past behaviour will have no effect on peoples perception of you, thats one of the best things about university. just be yourself, have a good time and im sure you'll meet lots of people just like yourself
Reply 3
When i was in secondary school, I was really quiet and the swotty type goody two shoes too. It was a all girls school as well so I wasnt really confident when im around guys so it was awkward when i suddenly had to move from a girls school to a mixed college.

But you will end up with new friends and gain confidence and maybe even a new attitude! I am such a loud mouth now!:biggrin:

And when I went to uni...all hell broke loose! I was freeeeeeeee!

You won't be stuck in the same situation in uni (unless you allow yourself to be) because there will be a lot of other people there with different persepective and attitudes etc etc and you'll mix in well with anyone as they are all in the same boat as to uni life and there to turn over a new leaf:smile:
^ Me too!
Reply 5
lol anonymous u r virtually a clone of me! (well apart from the bitch part lol) i cant wait till uni and revinvention of myself!
If you stay in Halls when you go to Uni, you won't have any trouble turning yourself into a 'party animal'. Trust me. In fact it gets a bit much sometimes :eek:.
Reply 7
hello :smile: well at uni everything changes you cant tell what it will be like so just go and see what happens be yourself you will have lots of chances to go out and stuff meet new people and just go with the flow. your time at schools nearly over, you must have had some fun, it doesnt matter too much anyway. Just go off to uni dont worry about it before and see what happens, its your chance for a fresh start :smile:
omg i cant believe how much the OP sounds like me! cept im not goin to university next year so its kinda worse for me lol
Reply 9
im comin to the end of skool and il be going to uni in september. since iv been there iv always had the same type of friends - swotty and boring. dont get me wrong they are lovely people, but i have nothin in common with them. I want to go out to clubs at weekends and they dont - so im basically stuck. Iv always been quite shy, so iv never been able to get in with the louder crowds or those who do socialise and so I dont have anyone else to go out with. Everyone else at skool has now associated me with them, so its not like i can just get invited out elsewhere. Equally many people at my skool see me as a bit of a bitch - i was admittedly a few years ago (just cos i was so unhappy and was lashing out). I feel upset that im not gona look back at skool and think about how much i loved being with the people there. Im also worried that im gona be stuck in the same situation at uni. is anyone else in a similar situation?

try to be really friendly...and stop being a bitch..that way you'll get to know new friend who eventually might like going out like you do :smile:
Ur not too! Looking forward to uni tho...fresh start
i want to join the club but i dont see that happening i will be depressed at uni too because my course sucks