Apologies for the long post in advance
Ok there's been an awful lot of people sayin they are having relationship troubles with partners, especially when they are about to start University, maybe this will help i don't know but here's maybe a few pointers.
First of if your having problems because your partner is going to University say 2 maybe 3 hours away, don't say in June lets break up at the end of september and enjoy the time until then, because its going to be hanging over you. I mean how can you possibly have a good time when you know your gonna break up.
Two, Don't think straight away lets break up, work around it talk about it, couples do surivive being away at University and think when the time you see your partner again it will be extra special, yes some generally can't handle it fair enough but don't dump your partner just because you want to play the field at Uni and sleep with as many people as possible, if you generally love your partner and your partner loves you, it will survive if you both work at it.
Three, splitting up and carrying on having casual sex, this generally does not work, because it just prolongs the agony especially with your partner finds someone else and carries on sleeping with you, your partner is basically having their cake and eating it, do you really want that or to be 2nd best all the time, if necessairly avoid all contact.
Four, Splitting up with your partner just because you like their best mate better, Big No no, this will cause bad tension and all sorts of trouble within that circle of friends, its better to find a complete new partner away from that circle of friends. Usually when you start thinking about your partners best friend rather than your partner something isn't right, find out what, obviously easier said than done because its so hard, but otherwise how is your partner to know something is wrong or rather how is your partner to know he/she is doing something wrong all the time.
Five, Never cheat, least if all above fails and you do like someone else better or you do want to just have casual sex around University for example least dump your partner first. If your partner breaks up but then calls round for sex, don't do that unless you and your partner make a committment to get back together in a relationship. obviously i'm not against casual sex but just don't do it with someone else when you already have a partner especially an ex.
Remember also if you get with a partner and a few days later realise it is not for you it could be simply because you are not ready for the committment yet.
Finally, obviously it is all down to you what you want to do when it comes to breaking up or talking etc no one has to listen to all this but i guess its worth considering all that, but one thing is clear someone said recently everybody cheats, this is so not true not every guy or girl cheats, yes lots of people do but not everyone.
And above all be careful.
Oh and 1 more thing if you cheat but say you love your partner, how can you love them if you cheat, things cannot be right in the relationship if you go and cheat.
Again sorry to go on and it may be all rubbish and done before but i thought this was worth a try.