The Student Room Group

Taking good care of your feet


I was just wondering... do any of you girls (or guys for that matter) do anything extra in the way of moisturising/exfoliating/etc etc your feet to keep them in good shape? I often get bits of hard skin that peel (haha, gross :biggrin:) and I'm wondering if there isn't some little tips out there I could be doing to keep them a bit nicer.

Reply 1
Lick them, to keep them moist... and get some sand paper to get rid of that hard skin... or even a chizle and hammer, depending on how hard the skin is...
A pedicure from time to time is a good idea - let the professionals do their work!
Try using baby powder on them.
Buy a pumice stone from Boots (they're quite cheap) to get rid of any hard or flakey skin. Also, covering your feet in vaseline and then putting socks on before going to bed means that you wake up with silky soft skin :smile:
^socks in bed :frown:
Reply 6
the vaseline thing sounds very weird but quite fun.. might try that one!
Agree with the pummice stone advice. Soak your feet in the bath for a while (maybe with some baby oil in the water - softens all your skin a treat :smile:), then 'buff' away all the hard skin with the stone, then moisturise your feet to keep them nice and soft. Make sure they're nice and dry then make sure your nails are all nice and trimmed and not too long (EEEUGH! long toe nails! mank!) :biggrin:

Do this regularly and voila! nice prepared for much summer airing in flip-flops :biggrin: lol
Reply 8
Ooh, hey thanks people! baby-oil-soaking, pumice-stone-rubbing, vaseline-socking (haha that sounds a bit dodgy) here I come!

Roll on flip-flop days!
Reply 9
Get one of those foot spa/bath things! :biggrin: Then paint ya toenails, all in time for summer!
Reply 10
Dip them in a bath full of tin tomatoes

It works really!
Reply 11
I have this problem, I'm 6' tall and have very bad feet. Callouses, dodgy arches etc. Ok, get thee to a podiatrist. They will sort them so you can maintain.
Then put Flexitol heel balm on ever night and wear socks in bed. etc