The Student Room Group

want a summer job, tell them im going to uni or not???

i want to get a job after exams in the summer before i go to uni. is it better to ask for a short term job or not tell them about uni and then just leave? will they not give me a job if i say i'll only be staying 4 a few months? or does anyone know where i could get a job who would take me on?!!!

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Reply 1
i want to get a job after exams in the summer before i go to uni. is it better to ask for a short term job or not tell them about uni and then just leave? will they not give me a job if i say i'll only be staying 4 a few months? or does anyone know where i could get a job who would take me on?!!!

Well personally I'm not telling them; I think it will be much easier to get a good full time job if they think I'm fresh out of college and I'm ready to start work. My plan is to apply for places that I will never want to work for again, work a few weeks and hand my notice in, a bit sneaky I know but it’s the only sure way of getting a good job and building up a decent amount to blow in freshers week :biggrin:
It depends really; if the job you're applying for is relevant to your Uni course it may be a good idea to tell them, say it's for experience etc to prepare you for Uni, but if not then I wouldn't bother.
Reply 3
I have great difficulty, even when I only mention two of my A-levels in an application. The subject "are you going to uni" always comes up and that's my doom cos I'm no good at lying. They don't want to waste time training
Reply 4
I got offered a job from debenhams the other week. But the last thing they asked me was "are you going to uni" and i said "maybe"(because i didnt want them to know i was) and then they said oh well we'll keep you on hold til after your results come out then, because then you'll have a better idea of whether you can do the job or not..

So probably best not to tell them..
Reply 5
eek! i dont know what to do, especially as Debenhams was going to be my first place to apply; they offered me a job after I did work experience there in year 10...:confused:
Reply 6
Not many employers will touch you if you are off to uni in a few months. They have to invest time and money in training you for a job, and why should they take someone on for a month or two when they could get permenent staff in at the same cost?

You can either tell them that you aren't going to uni, and hope that you don't get found out, as lying on your application forms can be a sackable offense.

Or you could sign up to an agency and do temp work. This is free of charge and the agency will find work for you and you don't have to worry about how long you'll be there for. The only thing I would suggest with this, is choose your agency wisely. Most are geared towards one specific industry. You are not always guarenteed work either.
Reply 7
im never gonna get a job :frown: !
thanks 4 the help, and cheers BlackHawk, i'll look into the agency thing
Reply 8
I applied to this call centre near where i live, Card protection plan. After a 30 minutes telephone interview i was told i would be offered a position as i said i am going to uni and they only gave 1 year contracts, no longer fixed term. So if i had lied and got a job; she even said you would have just applied normally then sneakily hand in your notice.
Reply 9
does anyone know any decent websites etc for looking into temping agencies?
Yeah. I went to a job interview at WH Smiths yesterday and it was a temporary position. Yet, they were talking to me about extending after 3 months. I said I wasn't sure if I was going to Unviersity or not and that (this is a complete lie I told them) I'd be willing to come back at weekends if I did go.
i know what you mean! i wouldnt be able to work until after the results come out so the end of augest and whole of september (6 weeks maybe) but i want the money for freshers week and just somethin 2 do ,6 weeks doin nothin when i could be earning moneys just a waste. im thinking about doing loads of paper rounds- bad pay and weather but at least ill get a few extra pounds and wont be sittin around

The uni problem is something worrying me too, also I'm going to Paris in late july so will only be able to work August and September. What about fast food- Subway or something, where it's shift work? Surely they won't mind if you get a job only for two months? I mean I never see the same people in there and they all seem to be students anyway..
Reply 13
I applied to this call centre near where i live, Card protection plan. After a 30 minutes telephone interview i was told i would be offered a position as i said i am going to uni and they only gave 1 year contracts, no longer fixed term. So if i had lied and got a job; she even said you would have just applied normally then sneakily hand in your notice.

i want a good reference tho lol!
I wouldn't say anything - even places that have a high turnover of staff invest time and effort training them so are unlikely to take you on if they know for sure you're going to scarper in a couple of months anyway. Just say you've finished 6th form and decided uni wasn't for you - two or three months down the line you can say you've had a better offer or you just don't like the job. Work your notice period to keep the boss on side et voila good reference :smile:

dont tell them what ever you do. lie.
Reply 16
Thankfully Tescos never asked if I was going to Uni -woo!
I'll be working from the end of July til Janurary (GY) so hopefully i can get away with it!
Reply 18
I'm realising that I would have been better not telling them. Phone call today, "come get an interview" "oh, a student?" "we'll be in touch".

On the other hand yesterday "No, we don't need staff, did you want full time?" "no, just summer job" "oh, well we need them"
Reply 19
I wouldn't lie to them, after all you'll want a good reference if you wanna get another job later, and if they find out they're not gonna give you one. They might not be too happy about you leaving after a couple of months either, this may also affect references.
Temp agencies are a far better idea. Or else do what I do, contract waitressing- I'm signed up with an agency ( who send me out to work at various different events, some of them pretty swanky and exciting. It's great cos you can work as much or as little as you want, and can just come back in holidays etc. You don't really need experience either, you get trained.
I really don't know why I'm bigging up my employer so much, but hey, it's a pretty decent summer job.