The Student Room Group

Stomach pains and nausea

Hi guys

I seem to be posting in here a lot lately!

Anyway, if anyone has any input on this matter I'd be very grateful. Basically, on Saturday I came down with quite a bad cold - blocked nose, sore throat, painful ears, headache, the lot. Then on Sunday night I developed a fever and couldn't sleep for 2 days, it was horrible, I just couldn't stop moving I was so hot :frown:

Anyway, I've been living off Lemsips and the past couple of days the cold side seems to be getting better. I'm sneezing and my ears are blocked still and my head a little stuffy, but it seems to be clearing up.


Yesterday I started to develop stomach pains. They're mainly centred in the centre of my lower abdomen, although others seem to deviate to each side, and I'm getting the occasional back cramp as well. I felt a little nauseous as well, but I put that down to the cold.

Then today I felt much better on the cold side of things, but then this afternoon I seemed to deteriorate. I suddenly felt very weak, and everything was such a great effort. My head pounded and felt a bit fuzzy too. The stomach pains are (at times, not constantly) quite excruciating. The nausea and pains seem to be constantly there, but in a dull kind of way, then quite often they suddenly go extremely bad. I had dinner about an hour ago and managed quite a bit of it, but I still didn't manage all of it like I always do (I have a healthy appetite, even when ill normally!)
Right now, I've taken some paracetamol and the headache has gone, my head feels ok, but not great, the stomach pains are there and I feel slightly sick. I haven't actually been sick by the way, I just feel it.

I really have no idea what it is! My boyfriend is worried I'm pregnant, although I am on the pill. However I did miss one and we did have sex on my break, but I did not think that that was a problem. Plus I would assume that I wouldn't get symptoms such as these in this stage.

My housemate suggested food poisoning. I've never had this so I wouldn't know what it feels like. I don't eat meat either, although obviosuly I know there are hundreds of varieties of food poisoning.

My other housemate was wondering whether it was a problem I have with food intolerance - I react to wheat products (although I still eat them), however normally they just bloat me up, make me crave sugar and then give me an energy slump. I'm not sure how this would cause these symptoms suddenly though.

Otherwise, I don't know. I've heard of IBS but I'm not sure what that is. I'm just trying to think of stomach disorders.

Anyway, I am going mad here as the pain and nausea is making me feel helpless and tearful. Especially since my dissertation is due in on friday and I really need to be getting on with it, but I cannot concentrate at all.

If its still this bad in the morning I shall go to the doctors, but I was just seeing if anyone could offer any suggestions/advice :smile:

Thanks guys xx
Go to the doctors!! If the pain is that bad, it warrants an emergency and you can therefore go and see the out of hours GP if there is one near you. If the pain is debilitating you can go to accident and emergency. If in doubt, phone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.

If the nausea won't subside you could try taking Paramax if you're old enough (paracetamol and metaclopramide, I think that's available OTC) or if not domperidone (also known as Motilium, definately available OTC)
Reply 2
are you due on or anything?? sometimes the pill can worsen period side effects like cramping, vomitting and even painful constipation (eww hate that word lol) Id say take some ibuprofen/paracetomal and if it doesnt help it wont hurt going to see ur dr.
Big hugs xxx:smile:
Reply 3
No I'm not due on, got another couple of weeks til then. I don't think it'd be that anyway, I used to get pretty bad pains so my doc gave me a pill that helped with them.

The pain hasn't subsided, but its gone back to being just a slight constant cramp, and i don't feel that nauseous. I've been getting extremely hot, but i'm not sure if thats a symptom or if its cause I had the heating on too high!

Either way, I think I'll have to put up with it tonight and see how I feel in the morning :redface: Still have no idea what it might be though!

Thanks guys :smile:
try a hot water bottle and palce it on your stomach, that might help with the stomach pains
Reply 5
try a hot water bottle and palce it on your stomach, that might help with the stomach pains

Good idea, I'm gonna try that now x