The Student Room Group



Ok here goes, ive been seeing my guy for a few days now, and its all great but theres 1 thing that annoys me. even though its not his fault.
I dont like stubble, and he has it lol. It kinda hurts when we kiss, but i dont wanna tell him coz i cant expect him to change it just for me. lol.

Any ideas anyone

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i love stubbles! it makes them look sooo manly
Reply 2
Just have a word with the guy.. I'm sure he wont be offended, though stubble can be a pain for almost any guy that wants the clean shaven look.. high testosterone levels = need at least a shave a day so can be awkward.
Reply 3
I agree, it looks cute but it's not fun to kiss. blergh. Just say it to him! Tell him you think he'd be way sexier without it and that it'd make you want to kiss him a whole lot more.
5 o'clock shadows are 5 o'clock. Definitely prefer a guy who shaves every morning...
Reply 5
Stubble reminds me of old alcoholic men, maybe not alcoholics, but they smell of beer. Yuk
Reply 6
i love stubble, but about an hour after kissing my skin gets really sore.. i just moisturise and hope for the best.
just tell him
Reply 8
one of my male friends came to me with a problem one day- it was that his gilfriend had stubble and he didnt know if to tell her or not. Sorry, just thought id add that in here xxx :biggrin:
Reply 9
Stubble is sexy on some men shows they are a man. I like it but it depends on the guy, facial structure, etc, doesn't suit some. Luckily it doesn't irritate me :smile: Can't stand beards though.
Reply 10
it looks gorgeous on my bf and his is soft enough if it's a few days old, but i remember this time i had a one-night stand with this guy whose stubble was so prickly the next day my chin had actually been rubbed raw and like a layer of skin was off! it even scabbed over a little a few days later....uuuuuuuuuurrrrgh not a pleasant memory!
Reply 11
one of my male friends came to me with a problem one day- it was that his gilfriend had stubble and he didnt know if to tell her or not. Sorry, just thought id add that in here xxx :biggrin:

haha i love it
Reply 12
yeah he does look really hot with it, but i think it would be a whole lot better without, i just dont wanna hurt his feelings. So if i just tell him, and hope for the best
Reply 13
Buy him a Mach 3 turbo for christmas, he'll get the message.
jus tell him, thats what i did with ma bf, told him that i think he'd be better without the stuble, n he agreed in da end lol
Reply 15
hey im a guy, and i just wanna say, you girls really have to tell us what you like and dont like, we can't read minds and each girl is different, for ex loved my stubble, while another prefered me clean shaven... its not the most major change in the world you know, it takes a couple of days to get the old stubble back.
Not shaving is poor personal admin. Jail that man.
lol three day stubble is hot. Anymore and it isn't and it hurts. Whisker burns......tsk tsk
OMG I had this prob with my bf. It looks nice, but it leaves me with a really sore rash and then flaky skin for about a week. I just told him straight out, it's best to be honest. I also text him before he comes round mine to check he's shaved lol! I wouldn't try and change him in any other ways, but this was becoming painful. Just come straight out with it, honesty IS the best policy.
My girlfriend loves me having a stubble