The Student Room Group
Reply 1

It can take one go or it can take 100 times... It depends on the people, the diet, how long they've been off the pill/injection etc etc etc.

What is true though, when a woman just has a baby, or a miscarriage or an abortion, just afterwards they're most likely to get pregnant again.
El Scotto

What is true though, when a woman just has a baby, or a miscarriage or an abortion, just afterwards they're most likely to get pregnant again.

not really true because the woman has to ovulate again and producing breast milk acts as a natural contraceptive
Reply 3
El Scotto

What is true though, when a woman just has a baby, or a miscarriage or an abortion, just afterwards they're most likely to get pregnant again.

Unless they're breastfeeding - which is a natural contraceptive.

On average, I think >80% of couples conceive within the first 6 months. But there's no information there about how often they're having sex, what contraception they were on before etc, and how many conceived in the first month compared with the 6th. Generally the older the couple are, the longer it takes.
Reply 4
just wondering, why the older, the longer? i mean like for men
Reply 5
Decreased sperm count and motility? Just a guess.
not really true because the woman has to ovulate again and producing breast milk acts as a natural contraceptive

Uh-uh. My mum used to believe that. She breast-fed me. She got pregnant when I was 2 months old. Hehe, now I have a lovely brother who is 11 months younger than me.