The Student Room Group

Am I a megalomaniac?!

It's a rather long post. :redface:

Definition of magalomania:
A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.

I am 18 and I moved to England with my family at the age of 15. Having been around a few very patriotic teachers and my grandmother, I became a passionate patriot of my country Russia.

I am going to go to University next year, but I want to come back to Russia after I graduate. The reason for it is that I believe that it is my duty to do something for Russia, to do something to make it better. My dream is to become a teacher because I believe that this is one of the ways I can change something - by inspiring young people (I have always admired my teachers).

However, having done (nearly completed) A-Levels in History and Economics amongst others, I have discovered a lot more about politics and the importance of the economy. I can see that Russia is going downhill in many aspects and even the upturn in the economy is largely dependant on the hight oil prices. Now I have always said that if I had a second life I would run for the post of Russian president because a strong desire to change something for the better and I am very passionate about Russia, and combined with maybe just slightly above the average ability I could do something (altough I don't at all think of myself as a genious or anything, I am your average good student like thousands of other, that's all).

However, recently I have been thinking about it more and I am pretty sure I would like to join the government and work as an economist. I know, doomed to fail as Russian economy is not at all based on economic principles and they are not even considered - it's all extremely political. I would probably end up like Khodorkovsky, the man who wanted to make Russia reliant on a strong parliament and institutional structure, and is now in the excile in Siberis (for the next 7 years. Alternatively, I would like to join the education ministry to firstly revive the respect for grades within Russia and secondly, to try to make it so that the European union would recognise Russian education, incl. at degree level.

I would hate to be famous (my mother is a TV celebrity presenter in Russia) and I would like to do something that would be very positive for Russia while staying in the shadow. After attempting that I still plan to become a teacher ( probably at the age of 35, depending of how [un]successful I am). I have doubts and I wouldn't be prepared to sacrifice my personal life (family goes first) but I feel a very strong desire to do something. I would be very satisfied by becoming a teacher right away (as I said before) but I think I would like to do something on a larger scale first.

Do you think I am obsessed and crazy? I mean, is it too much for a normal person? Please on't be nasty, but I would like your honest opinions. Thanks...
Reply 1
Your definition of megalomania doesn't seem to relate that much to what you have written. You just seem to know what you want in life, which is good. Some people say though, that it's better not to know...never really understood that myself.

I'm a megalomaniac, difference is, my "delusional fantasies" WILL become a reality.

There's nothing pathological about wanting to change the world (for the better), as you seem to do. Good luck to you!

But there is a fine line between self-confidence and megalomania. I think you've proved you're not a megalomaniac (well. not yet anyway) by the very fact that you're worried that you are a megalomaniac. A true megalomaniac wouldn't be able to conceive of that possibility :biggrin:
Reply 3
There's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of megalomania, just as long as you don't invade Russia, which from the sound of your post is unlikely. Probably best to avoid China these days too. :smile:
Reply 5
My fantasies of megalomania involve 6000ft indestructable skyscrapers, rare cognac and a government manipulating plc. named "Foxtech". I blame my small penis. :wink:

Hehe if you're thinking of the Incubus song then yes, I agree :biggrin:
Reply 7
My fantasies of megalomania involve 6000ft indestructable skyscrapers, rare cognac and a government manipulating plc. named "Foxtech". I blame my small penis. :wink:

Reply 8

Do you think I am obsessed and crazy?

Do you have a white cat, pool of piranhas and a suave Pierce Brosnan lookalike with a British accent chasing you?

To be serious for a second, theres nothing wrong with wanting to improve the quality of living of your fellow countrymen. I say good luck to you.
Thanks everyone, I can now have the piece of mind and continue working on the 4th volume of my [unpublished] manuscript on how to change Russia! jk :wink: