The Student Room Group

DEFORMED - surgery??

I was born with the last toe on my right foot attached to the one next to it (kind of like webbed but you can't really see that it is) and it basically looks like a stump wider than the toe would normally look, and the nail is split into two smaller ones. Luckily i have never had a bit problem with this (except some alarm with someone thinking i had six toes when i was very young in PE) and never really noticed it as until this year where i have wanted to wear open toe shoes, unfortunately you can see the toe with most of them. Anyway, my mum says that i could have surgery on it to separate it/shape it.

Just wondering, does this freak you out? I know alot of people think feet are disgusting anyway but with a deformed toe its worse isnt it, so should i have surgery or will this not be likely effect me in later life with relationships etc
Reply 1
Feet deformities are good icebreakers when meeting a new guy/girl. You should keep it!

In my circle of friends, the person with the foot deformity would definitely be the coolest :frown:

However, if you feel that it will make your foot more pleasing to you, you should go for the surgery. Bearing in mind they probably won't ever look completely 'normal'.
I think it sounds quite sexy.
Reply 3
Well, you've certainly turned me on.
COunt yourself lucky you don't have a pigeon chest deformity like me. My confidence is very low just because of it. People don't make it any easier for me laughing at me. A toe deformity can be cool as it can be hidden easily and when shown it will hardly matter to anyone.
so should i have surgery or will this not be likely effect me in later life with relationships etc

By the time a potential partner sees your toe, they will have known you long enough to decide whether they like you or not... your toe is not exactly going to change whether they like you or not.
Reply 6
I think it sounds quite sexy.

lol, Your joking right?

Well personally i'm not dead obsessive about it. would it be a good icebreaker, or one that would scare someone off, that is the question.
Least it means you have a small advantage when swimming.
Reply 8
COunt yourself lucky you don't have a pigeon chest deformity like me. My confidence is very low just because of it. People don't make it any easier for me laughing at me. A toe deformity can be cool as it can be hidden easily and when shown it will hardly matter to anyone.

They laugh at you, thats awful! Actually i think when i was younger i was laughed at a little but they were all like 9 or 10.
Reply 9
Spiral Architect
Least it means you have a small advantage when swimming.

Only on one side though, so she'll be veering off course.
do it if it bothers you but tbh i doubt its that noticable unless your bare foot.
lol, Your joking right?

Well personally i'm not dead obsessive about it. would it be a good icebreaker, or one that would scare someone off, that is the question.

Well it's a bit different and it certainly isn't ugly.. :redface:

I wouldn't bother with surgery if it doesn't bother you, I can't imagine something that tiny scaring anyone with any sense off, but then again I can't really speak for everyone.
Reply 12
lol, Your joking right?

Well personally i'm not dead obsessive about it. would it be a good icebreaker, or one that would scare someone off, that is the question.

Heck, no: physiological quirks are the bomb.
Reply 13
COunt yourself lucky you don't have a pigeon chest deformity like me. My confidence is very low just because of it. People don't make it any easier for me laughing at me. A toe deformity can be cool as it can be hidden easily and when shown it will hardly matter to anyone.

A pigeon chest can be quite a serious condition and it may worsen with growth. You can have surgery there as well, but often it's success is not permanent unfortunately.
I am sorry to hear that you are being ridiculed for something you can't help and I can imagine that summer is hell for you. Still, I am sure you do have friends who appreciate you as a person and accept that your "difference" is more visible than theirs might be (nobody is perfect)
Reply 14
To the OP, it doesn't sound like you really want surgery. Don't have it because you think you should; it's not a big deal, and I'm sure people wouldn't notice it/care about it.

If it's really getting you down, have surgery, but to be honest unless you're depressed about it it's probably more trouble than it's worth.
Personally I'm fascinated by the six toe thing, but since yours doesn't sound like it's quite the same thing it's possibly less of a problem to get removed. If it bothers you, sort it. If not don't worry about it.
Reply 16
My boyfriend has two of his middle toes webbed together, but they're not joined the whole way up - so a completely separate nail and everything. It doesn't bother me, i hardly even notice it. xx
Reply 17
I have an ear deformity from birth. A microtia, which is on one side. It means my left ear is basically just a lobe and some bone, but not in the right formation, so it just looks like the back, cone section of the ear is missing, really. Also inside the ear drum is made from bone (should be a skin membrane), while the hammer, stirrup and anvil 'bones' are made up of tissue that isn't bone, but more a kind of cartelidge. It's all a bit random, and my hearing is slightly impaired. But I am like this for a reason, and I won't change for anybody or the world, because I am happy the way things are.

Hope that is some useful guidance.
When people wear open sandals, their feet always loook deformed, no joke. Dont worry about it