The Student Room Group

Cold all the this weird?

Hey this may not be a BIG deal but I'll post it anyway...

It seems that I'm always cold. Its not bugging me that much but its just weird that even in the summer, I still wear woolly jumpers and jeans and knee high socks just to to keep at a comfortable temperature.

Its spring now and I know its not exactly that warm but Im still using double duvet, hot water bottle, woolly lined sheets and an extra fleece throw to go to sleep warm.
Even right now, my fingers and feet are freezing!

Shoudl this be a concern? or are there many 'cold blooded' people out there?:rolleyes:

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Reply 1
Girls generally tend to feel colder than guys, so that might be part of it. I know when I was sharing a house with three guys it was a constant war over whether the heating was on or not!

And maybe you have bad circulation? My hands and feet are nearly always colder than the rest of me.
I get exactly what you've described when I'm low on sleep. And even though at the time it seems counter-intuitive, a quick warm shower followed by a 20-30-minute nap does wonders. Especially when there's a 12-1 lecture break in the day after a fun night out!
Reply 3
Aaah phew! at least i know I'm not a cold blooded lizard!:biggrin:

Yeah i did notice that my bf is like a radiator....hehe maybe thats why men sweat so much in the summer!

My gran is always cold too but i figured its probably coz shes old and stuff.
Hmm..could be a lack of sleep actually as i dont have a regular sleep pattern. Just 6hrs one day then 4hrs next day and then 10 hrs another and etc
Reply 4
You may have Raynaud's syndrome; i have it and I'm always cold too. Do your hands ever turn blue and swell up?
Reply 5
My hands are ALWAYS cold regardless, it really pisses me off...and when it's Winter they get so cold I can't feel them which is **** at college :frown:
Reply 6
Nah I don't think they swell up but they are slightly purple (and very dry and cracked but thats probably coz i have bad skin!)
Reply 7
Girls generally tend to feel colder than guys

This is more likely to be due to conditioning. Biologically, women have more subcataneous fat than men, hence are theoretically better insulated. Perhaps this is a matter of conditioning more than biological feasibility - having spent a lot of time in extremely cold climates, I find I can easily put up with low temperatures, but struggle to cope with anything over around 15 centigrade, hence I loathe summer!
This is more likely to be due to conditioning. Biologically, women have more subcataneous fat than men, hence are theoretically better insulated. Perhaps this is a matter of conditioning more than biological feasibility - having spent a lot of time in extremely cold climates, I find I can easily put up with low temperatures, but struggle to cope with anything over around 15 centigrade, hence I loathe summer!

^ Hvardan gaar det?
Reply 9
maybe you dont have enough fat on your body.
my hands and feet are freezing most of the time too - i think its to do with bad circulation.
I know what you mean! I am ALWAYS cold, need my electric blanket othjerwise I can't sleep, and always wear bed socks. Brr, I'm cold as I type this, and I'm the only one in this library with my blazer on! Good to know I'm not the only one!
Reply 11
Ron Stoppable
^ Hvardan gaar det?

Wilderness, hence didn't get to learn any dutch...greenland is a lovely place though...
^ Danish. Denmark owns Greenland...
Reply 13
Thats the one, yes...but since I didn't go to any danish settlements when I was there, it makes little/no difference to me...
Reply 14
Heheh well you would have imagined that living in britain all my life, i would have adapted to the cold weather by now! But when i go to hotter countries like Hong kong, I'm fine! hardly break a sweat at all! (apart from the stickiness of air pollution...eeeew!)
I heard something about men not feeling the cold as much because of testosterone, but I can't back that up, just have a feeling I read it in New Scientist. Maybe you're just not fat enough, I'll swap if you like!
Reply 16
My hands and feet are always cold, in winter I can't feel them at all. However, the rest of me is generally ok.
Reply 17
Hey this may not be a BIG deal but I'll post it anyway...

It seems that I'm always cold. Its not bugging me that much but its just weird that even in the summer, I still wear woolly jumpers and jeans and knee high socks just to to keep at a comfortable temperature.

Its spring now and I know its not exactly that warm but Im still using double duvet, hot water bottle, woolly lined sheets and an extra fleece throw to go to sleep warm.
Even right now, my fingers and feet are freezing!

Shoudl this be a concern? or are there many 'cold blooded' people out there?:rolleyes:

im EXACTLY the same way! i was born here but my family are all mixed up africans, latins, indians, not much european im afraid. and im ALWAYS cold. i also still use a hot bottle, wooly sweatres and 3 duvets and a fleecy underblanket. when i go out im the only one of my friends wearing a scarf and overcoat in the spring.

in hot climates, i sweat but not as much as a european/caucasian person. i notice that maybe asians and black people have perhaps evolved for the heat, maybe having thinner skin, blood vessels closer to the surface, the wide flat black peopole nose shape apparantly is cos the air doesnt need to heat up before hitting the lungs whereas the longer caucasian nose shape is so cold air can warm up before going in the lungs. maybe we have evolved. i also get S.A.D. in the winter. i think i need to go to a hotter nicer country...

i find eating very sugary foods like golden syrup or foods with a low GI value gives you a rise in body heat and a 'sugar rush' to keep you warm. i also put on about 7-10lbs due to this over the winter which is in this country late Sept - June.
i get the same thing,im cold most of the time and my hands go a very attractive shade of purple,lol. i always figured it was coz i didnt have much meat on me,lol
I'm always cold too - I often have my coat on in lectures where there are people with strappy tops on! I don't have Raynaud's coz my whole body feels cold and tingly. I hate it!
It can be a sign of hypothyroidism, however I don't have any other symptoms.