this might end up being a bit long but....
i hang around with a group of girls and theres 9 of us i get on with them all but one of them is a cow and a total idiot when she wants, but shes as nice as pie when she wants to be
so we were in class and me and another of my friends were just play fighting with each other and punching each other a lil when she comes out with ' dont do that it gives u cancer' so i was questioning her asking her what the hell are u on about etc... she calls me a dumb **** and a stupid bitch in the middle of the 'discussion'
so then we were eating dinner and she goes off with her 'popular' friends and i tell all my other mates and they just nod there head like they dont beleive me, i have a couple of them that agree and know what shes like because she does it to them too but the others just think shes great because she acts totally different around them.... they know what shes like because sometimes shes the same with them but they just totally forget about it and dont understand the way she treats and talks to me and the other two girls in my class whose with her (my other mates are in other classes so arent with her as much as us)
the names she calls us is sooo annoying and disrespectful, when i walk in in the morning she say hello slag or bitch etc. but she doesnt say it as a joke because u get this ****ing annoying fake laugh after, you pull a face and get told by her to stop being such a moody cow!
its not that im scared of her im like twice the size of her but its the situation im in, i dont like the way she treats me (and my mates) but she has been doing it so long that she has put herself in that position where we have just 'learnt' to accept and take it, even though every time she does it winds me up and makes me hate her more, but I can't fall out with her because she will go to everybody else and make them not talk to me.... in some way even though everybody else doesnt want to admit it, our boss but theres nothing we can do about it!
i remeber a few months ago she fell out with my best mate for not going to somebodys party and was lying (she wasnt) even though everybody else couldnt go she just decided to victimise her.... anyway she then went and told some bull**** to the girls how she went and sat on the lads lap and starting flirting with him-she wouldnt do that in a miillion years, this was then followed by shes a slag, just like her mum and yet we still are 'friends' with this bitch!
i guess the reason im posting this is one to get it off my chest and two if theres anything i could say to my other friends to make them realise just how small she makes you feel and what she says to you....
at the end of the day i really hope that karma is a bitch and comes and bites her in the ass for the way she has treated everyone of us!