The Student Room Group
Because the rest of the world is silenced and you're still awake - perhaps the serenity of your surroundings is the perfect companion to a decent essay or whatever else. I for one know that I do my best work in the pre-dawn hours. :smile:
lol your probly right. its quite here for the 1st time all day. not to mention that i now want get it done because ppl are nagging me to go out tomorrow.
Hehe, sometimes temptation can spark you to realise some of the necessities - completing essays to go out the next night is a prime example, although generally I end up doing it the other way around! :wink: And on that note, I think that I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight. :wavey:
You're a eagle and just don't know it yet. Trying to force yourself in a lazy bear way of living each day won't work for you because you'll always lapse into crazily late nights - it's what we humans were designed to do. Newborn babies sleep whenever they want. You should too - just never longer than 40 minutes.
Reply 5
Because you're alone and there are hardly any distractions to take you awake from your work.