The Student Room Group

Bizarre view of physical relationships/acts

Well here we go. I have no idea how I fell into this thought-frame, but it seems to be the opposite of what is normally thought.

I have absolutely no problem with sex, and think the act is fab. Be it oral/anal/regular or whatever. But I find kissing someone to be completely disgusting. It just seems pointless and immature, and it means you have to wait longer for sex. I just see nothing romantic or alluring about it.

I'm not talking about a peck on the cheek or lips, but the whole tongue in another mouth part. I dunno, why do you think "getting aff wi someone" is not very appealing to me :handkiss: :evilb:

Rep for most entertaining reply :biggrin:

edit: post your own bizarre view on physical acts to make me feel less of a freak please :tsr2:

Personnally i believe that the old views of kissing were correct in saying its like imparting a piece of your soul in your partner, effectively becoming one, not sure where i first heard of that, could be the new spartacus movie:rolleyes: :biggrin: , but yeah it can be immature or can be seriously intimate, just depends on the situation, but hey each to their own:tsr2:
Reply 2
A good kiss is a great turn on - you must be doing it wrong :wink:
Reply 3
A good kiss is a great turn on - you must be doing it wrong :wink:

Well... provided it does not continue for a prolonged period of time, it is a bit okay'ish. I think it is my mindset more than my technique though.

Cheers for the replys so far guys.

Reply 4
Don't use tounges, see if that makes a difference.
Reply 5
Don't use tounges, see if that makes a difference.

Tried that. Even worse. Like kissing a goldfish/balloon or something. Just felt comical.

I know a few couples who never show any signs of affection. Dont think they ever kisse each other. But they seem happy enough, i dunno. I wouldnt worry about it
I agree that full on tongue-licking, face-sucking, saliva-exchanging kissing is about as erotic as the TV listings for the Discovery Channel, but nevertheless, gentle kissing and teasing and the lips-barely-touching kissing and so on and so forth can actually be very pleasurable and is a great forerunner to the latter stages of sex.
Reply 8
i understand what u mean about kissing- most of the time u can taste what ur partner had for lunch, or even get some of it to nibble on if you swirl you tongue around their teeth- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :indiff:
Reply 9
I agree that full on tongue-licking, face-sucking, saliva-exchanging kissing is about as erotic as the TV listings for the Discovery Channel, but nevertheless, gentle kissing and teasing and the lips-barely-touching kissing and so on and so forth can actually be very pleasurable and is a great forerunner to the latter stages of sex.

i understand what u mean about kissing- most of the time u can taste what ur partner had for lunch, or even get some of it to nibble on if you swirl you tongue around their teeth- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :indiff:

*Hug you both*

Yes! people who understand me :biggrin:

i understand what u mean about kissing- most of the time u can taste what ur partner had for lunch, or even get some of it to nibble on if you swirl you tongue around their teeth- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :indiff:

Are you familiar with one of these? :p:
Reply 11
Are you familiar with one of these? :p:

its not me that needs one- but hey, you get a free snack if the other person doesnt use one:cool:
i have had some very very good kisses, and some very very bad kisses. i have also had some kisses which did nothing for me.

i say you haven't met somebody who you really clicked with (in kissing terms) yet, because if you had, you'd want to kiss them for hours without stopping!
Reply 13
Stop watching porn.
Kissing is great

People with feet fetishes however.... :mad:

That's the real issue here :rolleyes:
