The Student Room Group

a nightmare..

last night, i had a verrrrrry detailed nightmare, which was about some family, relatives and me were moving away for a while/ or just going somewhere. So we were in a line with our bags and stuff and leaving my house and going through doors and corridors (dunno why its always 'inside').

On the journey, I was at the beginning of the line and then people realised i dont have my red bag. I have either lost it or just forgotten it at home. So i go back the exact route we had taken and dont find it until i get to my house. When im the in the house, i go into the kitchen first and find no red bag however as i leave, an old woman appears sitting at the kitchen table. I go upto her asking her 'who the hell are you'. She replies to me going on and on about how life isnt fair, and how much she dislikes my mother. During the convo, all my family and relatives pop in and i soon realise im the only one who 'sees' and can speak to this old woman. She basically was planning to take over my mum's life, taking her stuff, taking her identity and she wanted to kill my mum. :eek:

So i was standing there freaked out listening to this old woman, while everyone else was like "why the hell are you just standing there, go and check in the bedroom for your bag"

I go to the bedroom feeling scared and then i decided to bring my mum upstairs and tell her. When i went back down and dragged my mum upstairs, i saw the woman was still sitting downstirs and when i went into the bedroom second time around with my mum , the chair and table in the bedroom had been broken :frown: . Then i dragged my mum out of the room and woke up before i was able to drag her out of the house. :frown:

It freaked me out :frown:

Does anyone have nightmares like these? Or do i have a psychological problem? this isnt the first time i dreamt something like this, i have had about 3 or 4 such nightmares about family members in particular in the last 2 years ish or maybe more.
Reply 1
also do people think these stuff have meanings? :confused:

iam sorry for rambling on, but i was soo freaked out :frown:
Reply 2
I've had violent dreams quite often, usually in great detail and it worries me as i hadn't even seen anything with that content days before it came.

I've also dreamt of people dying, but i've read about death has a meaning in dreams.
Reply 3
but i've read about death has a meaning in dreams.

:eek: and..
Reply 4
I don't know how much you want to read into it, but you can find out information on the internet - i don't know if all the sites are consistent in what they say though.


To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life.

You can find out more here
Reply 5
I've had far worst dreams then that when I was young.

For example, I used to dream that this crazy white old woman would hover outside my bedroom window tapping the glass. I used to open the window and she would be there, staring at me. Usually I felt someone grab me behind and slit my throat. i then felt extreme pain for the next 10 minutes as I lay bleeding on the floor watching her stand above me smiling. Then she used to tickle me...

No I'm not kidding, this used to be a common dream I got as a child. Scared the **** out of me.. hated to sleep.

haven't had it in years though.
Reply 6
haven't had it in years though.

Having said that, seeing as you thought about it and even typed it up on the internet it entered your thought process today; so there is a chance you could have it again - tonight even.
Reply 7

For example, I used to dream that this crazy white old woman would hover outside my bedroom window tapping the glass. I used to open the window and she would be there, staring at me. Usually I felt someone grab me behind and slit my throat. i then felt extreme pain for the next 10 minutes as I lay bleeding on the floor watching her stand above me smiling. Then she used to tickle me...

:eek: omg
Reply 8
Having said that, seeing as you thought about it and even typed it up on the internet it entered your thought process today; so there is a chance you could have it again - tonight even.

How do you know this?

Okay so i managed to recall what i dreamt last night, so i can have it again? :confused:
Reply 9
How do you know this?

Okay so i managed to recall what i dreamt last night, so i can have it again? :confused:

I don't know it at all - i said "a chance".

Some people believe that dreams are merely the brain going through the thought processes in the day and an insight into the sub-consciousness. If you think about something there is a chance you'll dream about it; remembering it in the morning however is a different matter.
Reply 10
Having said that, seeing as you thought about it and even typed it up on the internet it entered your thought process today; so there is a chance you could have it again - tonight even.

Very unlikely. I had it a lot when I was like 5 years old.

I've bought it up lots of times over the last 12 years or so. And that night I have never had it.

But who knows.