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BBC Bitesize as your revision resource

hello everyone
i was wondering, seeing as im using bbc bitesize for nearly every subject for revision purposes, do you think it's a good website? i mean, for the sciences, i think it's very simple (sometimes too simple), bt on another hand it makes you understand things more easily, as opposed to other textbooks. i'm also using it for history, and it is pretty good so far. what do y'all think? because i haven't really used BBC for my mocks, so i'm slightly afraid it's not gonna get me my As or A*s...
thanks in advance!:wink:

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Reply 1
I only use it as a secondary revision aid, and not as my main one. I find that I take things in better when I'm sitting at a desk, with a textbook and writing it out, and looking at a computer screen for too long tend to tire me. But each to their own - and if it works for you then there's no reason not to use it :smile:
Reply 2
I use it for the revision games, i never knew the Mia Cadavers Tombstone game could be so competitive! :cool:
I only use it as a secondary revision aid, and not as my main one. I find that I take things in better when I'm sitting at a desk, with a textbook and writing it out, and looking at a computer screen for too long tend to tire me. But each to their own - and if it works for you then there's no reason not to use it :smile:

What do you use as your primary revision source? CGP by any chance? :confused:
Reply 4
Babylon By Bus
What do you use as your primary revision source? CGP by any chance? :confused:

Depends on the subject:

- Sciences: the specification and CGP together so that I only revise relevant bits.
- History: an AQA specific textbook. And
- English & English Lit: York Notes, Letts Notes and notes from class. And some websites.
- Languages: I don't revise :p:
- Music: CGP.
- ICT: notes from class
- RS: notes from class
Reply 5
I use BBC Bitesize only occasionally - I find I lose concentration, and end up on TSR. For my revision, I use mainly :
Languages : Dictionary
History : Class Notes
Food Tech : Class notes and Letts revision guide
Media Studies : Class notes
English Lit : Class notes
Maths : CGP book
Science : Specification, Science 4 You Text books (fantastic!) , CGP Textbooks
Reply 6
Bitesize sucks man... I use:

Science: Lonsdale Revision Guides, "Doc Brown's Chemistry Clinic" :|
English: York Notes
French: Lonsdale Revision Guide, "Upgrade" Listening Tests
Geography: Heinemann Revision Guide
Business Studies: Letts Revision Guide, BizEd, Tutor2u
ICT: CGP Revision Guide,
Maths: CGP Revision Guide, MathsNet

btw even though i have two CGP guides, i would not recommend them at all
Reply 7
The BBC bitesize site is intended for everybody, so according to my teacher at GCSE (bearing in mind I'm old now) it won't contain the stuff needed to get you an A/A*. It's aiming to have enough material to get you a C.

It's useful get started, and to pretend to your parents you're doing work on the internet. But it shouldn't really be used on its own.
Reply 8
Actually, I *think* that Bitesize has separate bitesizes for foundation and higher tier, for some topics (in some subjects). I don't use it though because it won't be specifc to my specification, and anyway, being on the computer too much gives me a headache....
Reply 9
yes, definitely, it shouldn't be used on its own - but it's a great base.. for example, because we have a phys book which is made tailored to our specification, i use the bbc website because it's more summarised and the book because it goes more in depth... i generally actually do think that bitesize is very useful because it makes things look easier, and you can get through bitesize fairly quickly. and gor history i find it is very summarised and to the point which is quite useful. that said, i still use my nots to compliment the bbc (as i type out the bbc stuff lol.. i print it and then make my own sad lol).
but on that matter, do you think that if you already have good notes you still need to do more? or are those enough? all you need to do is reorganise what you have.
Chemistry - Specification + CGP Book (inc the triple award bit)
Physics - same as above
Biology - Biology AQA Textbook + CGP
History - School Textbooks, written by the History chief examiner
Reply 11
i type out the bbc stuff lol

doesn't that defeat the object of the whole Bitesize website? :P
Reply 12
doesn't that defeat the object of the whole Bitesize website? :P

no, not at all, very much the opposite. bitesize is there to be used however you like it. i find that copying it out and personalising it to my specification etc and adding my points will strengthen my revision. everybody has their own best method of revision, i find that for most subjects, that is my case - 'basing' it on bitesize. i wanted to know of other people's methods because they might "enlighten" me to revise differently/better.
If you guys don't think CGP or Bitesize is good enough to get A/A*, then what do you think is adequate? :confused:
Reply 14
BBC Bitesize is ****, but I always used to use it before I found out about another revision website that the school had signed up for. Apparently once the school got it exam results rose by 2 GCSE's per pupil, obviously not every pupil but a large majority of them. But, if you're school/college hasn't signed up for it you can't use it unless you buy it yourself but it's expensive. I like the way it's different from other revision sites in the way you don't just read large chunks of text you read the text and fill in the blanks, it's easier for me to learn with that rather than simply reading a load of writing which bores me and I am easily distracted.
Reply 15
on bitesize you fill in the blanks (dont you?)
Bitesize is awful but it's not meant to be perfect. What are those things called again that always, definitely contain everything you need to know in a really concise, are completely free on the internet and are updated every year?

...oh yeah, the specifications. :smile:

To revise I use specifications, notes made in class, textbooks and past papers (very importantly). To learn I use Bitesize. I've used Bitesize in the past when I was a bit bored to brush up on my non-existent Spanish. Really helped, if learning a language I didn't need to learn to a pretty crap level is 'help'. There's no way it's revision, though. It's only just better than nothing, but that's it.

This thread has one huge, gaping flaw. "revision resource" should NEVER EVER be singular. Just in case. :smile:
Reply 17
Sam Learning is pretty poor quality, and doesn't cover most of my specifications for a lot of my subjects.
Reply 18
I don't see how it doesn't cover what you are doing, it's good for GCSE students but the A Level section needs dramatically improving because it hardly has a good range of subjects.
Reply 19
Bitesiz was OK as far as I cam remember. I didnt rely on it too much. I used letts revision guides though which are excellent.