The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Its not legal because most of the broadcasters won't have permision from the record company to be broadcasting those songs.

Edit I think its broadcasters breaking the law rather than the listener though :smile:
Reply 2
Well, surely this shouldnt be allowed if its illegal.

Delete. Delete. Delete.
Reply 3
It depends what the broadcast is, I personaly see this different to MP3s becuase it is simply playing music to people.

Unlike MP3s you're not breaking the law by using that site.
Reply 4
Its not legal because most of the broadcasters won't have permision from the record company to be broadcasting those songs.

Edit I think its broadcasters breaking the law rather than the listener though :smile:

From an ethical point it still encourages people not to buy musicians' music so I guess it's bad. :frown:
Reply 5
Yep. The difference with commercial/BBC radio is that is controlled. They pay the artists royalties every time they play their song.

Do you know for a shop to play music they need a licence and it costs £1000s.
Reply 6
how come none of these appear to have been sued yet then?:confused:
Reply 7
I find satisfies my legal musical needs.
Reply 8
how come none of these appear to have been sued yet then?:confused:

The service is legal, the people broadcasting the stuff are breaking the law. However because they are streams rather than files record companies probably are not too bothered about it.

DIY Internet broadcasting has been going on for years and it seems the powers that be just turn a blinde eye to it.
Reply 9
Original post by &#964
I find satisfies my legal musical needs.

thanks for that- just been on it and its a fab site:biggrin:
Reply 10
That's an awesome site, but i'm trying to avoid them both cause I feel bad now. :frown:
Reply 11
y u feel bad????
Reply 12
y u feel bad????

I've always thought people perform for a reason. If they wanted their music to be listened to for free they would offer it for free. If they aren't then you shouldn't hear it for free...?
Reply 13
yeh but at the same time, if you dont hear their music you dont know they exist. Ive just found a couple of bands ive never heard of and am lookin on to see if i can get them xxxx:p: :rolleyes:
Reply 14
yeh but at the same time, if you dont hear their music you dont know they exist. Ive just found a couple of bands ive never heard of and am lookin on to see if i can get them xxxx:p: :rolleyes:

You sunk my battleship. :wink:
Reply 15
I've always thought people perform for a reason. If they wanted their music to be listened to for free they would offer it for free. If they aren't then you shouldn't hear it for free...?

The whole idea of is for you to have it on for several hours while you're working and you'll discover so many different artists who you'd never heard of before. The beauty of it is is that you type in an artist who you know you like, and then for eternity Pandora will just crawl through the whole of that genre. I've bought albums by artists who I've only ever known through Pandora. Besides, they pay licenses and so it is all legal and everything.
Reply 16
You sunk my battleship. :wink:

are you in the navy????
Reply 17
Original post by &#964
The whole idea of is for you to have it on for several hours while you're working and you'll discover so many different artists who you'd never heard of before. The beauty of it is is that you type in an artist who you know you like, and then for eternity Pandora will just crawl through the whole of that genre. I've bought albums by artists who I've only ever known through Pandora. Besides, they pay licenses and so it is all legal and everything.

If they pay the licences then that's fine, and I like the idea of hearing new artists which I have done with RBC, just doesn't feel a million miles away from downloading music.
Reply 18
are you in the navy????

lol i wish