I go on this a lot, you just type a song/artist in and listen to their music, no download. I was more wondering if this was legal? I presume it isn't but hey. Thoughts welcome.
how come none of these appear to have been sued yet then?
The service is legal, the people broadcasting the stuff are breaking the law. However because they are streams rather than files record companies probably are not too bothered about it.
DIY Internet broadcasting has been going on for years and it seems the powers that be just turn a blinde eye to it.
I've always thought people perform for a reason. If they wanted their music to be listened to for free they would offer it for free. If they aren't then you shouldn't hear it for free...?
yeh but at the same time, if you dont hear their music you dont know they exist. Ive just found a couple of bands ive never heard of and am lookin on to see if i can get them xxxx
yeh but at the same time, if you dont hear their music you dont know they exist. Ive just found a couple of bands ive never heard of and am lookin on to see if i can get them xxxx
I've always thought people perform for a reason. If they wanted their music to be listened to for free they would offer it for free. If they aren't then you shouldn't hear it for free...?
The whole idea of is for you to have it on for several hours while you're working and you'll discover so many different artists who you'd never heard of before. The beauty of it is is that you type in an artist who you know you like, and then for eternity Pandora will just crawl through the whole of that genre. I've bought albums by artists who I've only ever known through Pandora. Besides, they pay licenses and so it is all legal and everything.
The whole idea of is for you to have it on for several hours while you're working and you'll discover so many different artists who you'd never heard of before. The beauty of it is is that you type in an artist who you know you like, and then for eternity Pandora will just crawl through the whole of that genre. I've bought albums by artists who I've only ever known through Pandora. Besides, they pay licenses and so it is all legal and everything.
If they pay the licences then that's fine, and I like the idea of hearing new artists which I have done with RBC, just doesn't feel a million miles away from downloading music.