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Reply 1
umm cant actually remember the last time:s:
Reply 2
8 years old, Mr. Brockless' class.

I found a note with '****' written on it, so I gave it to the teacher. He immediately assumed it was me that wrote it (yeah, right genius that one). Got *******ed through lunch-time after he had compared it to my hand writing from my class work and concluded that it was me for certain. Bare in mind this guy was 6ft 4" and built like a wall, and he could scream extremely loud.

Last day of that term I found out it was a friend of mine who actually wrote it, and I told Mr Brockless. Did he care? Did he ****.
Reply 3
When I was about 6 or 7 years old a friend and I were in the playground and for some reason we screamed really loudly and our teacher stormed out of the school building and gave us a right bo.llocking for it. It was a tiny school with only 100 pupils so I think that had something to do with the less liberal attitude!

When I got to first school whenever I finished my work I kept going up to the teacher and asking what I should do next. I don't know why I always did this...I think it was a confidence thing. Anyway one day the teacher just got fed up with it and he shouted at me and told me to just do what everyone else was doing. It was really harsh! The knobhead.

Also when I got to middle school I accidentally stepped on the teacher's foot and he turned round and said "thank you for stepping on my foot Alice" and then gave me the dirtiest look imagineable, even though it was an accident and I said sorry. For some reason I always seemed to have a habit of really pissing teachers off!
Reply 4
No idea, forgot. I surpress all memories of pointless crap.
there have been lots and i always make it worse by laughing or smiling, this does not mean i have no respect for them , i really just cant help it and then you get in more trouble but ah well. The worst one ive probably got in most truoble for was year 9. Used to really annoy my teacher on purpose then one day (cant remeber what we did) but he took me , my sister and this lad into english office and rang our mums up there and then . . .was funny at the time but got in quite a bit of trouble when i got home. I some how managed to turn my mum against my teacher which helped because that teacher had it in for me.
Reply 6
But anyway, I spilt a load of water in the dining hall, went to get a cloth, chucked it at the table and it landed in my friends custard splashing all up him. 2nd Deputy then came up and by god, did she screech, in the middle of a packed dining hall with me cringing (I was in 5th form!!!)

I then had to spend every lunchtime picking chewing gum off the underside of tables, for a week. Ming.
Reply 7
i noooo its soo funny i reli cant help but laugh....this teacher friend was a bit cheeky to him...he wanted to talk to us (well tell us off for note swapping) and shouted for us to come over to friend just said ' what' really was funny tho and he was not very it was soo hilarious
I've never really been told off by a teacher... Actually, in year 1, I got told off for putting a glue stick into a pot of glue... I think I may have put the whole glue stick into the pot, and the teacher had trouble getting it out...
haha i was always in trouble. especially in year 9, i dunno why but that was my ''off the rails'' year. the funniest one was when i got caught smoking, back in those days it was a verbal warning first time you got caught.
so i was in with the head of year, who we called 'Dotty' cos she had small eyes, and she was b*ll*cking me, and it was the way she phrased herself when she started going on about me killing myself everytime i smoked, it made me giggle. then she started going on about my attitude and how i was on a downward spiral and that when i reached the bottom it would be with a ''loud, hard bang''. of course by this time i was laughing uncontrollably, she ordered me to get out of her sight :rolleyes:

oh and in year 10, it was a well hot day and we had a water fight in the girls toilets, absolutely flooded the place and we got sent to the head of year. she was all like ''girls, what are you playing at? your the oldest in the school, you should be setting an example not behaving like silly little children, blah blah, blah'' again, we were in fits of laughter which only exacerbated the situation.
we were all made to mop it up.
Don't remind me.
I can't actually remember being really badly told off. I was clearly far too good and polite to be normal :redface:. I remember being told to shut up on a couple of occasions.

There was also one occasion when a teacher accused me of smoking which wasn't the case. It was in fact the person who was sat next to me making the area stink but ho hum.

I can't really remember much else.
One of the most hilarious telling-offs I had was with a bunch of friends for play 'It' in coridoors, we were screaming and laughing really loudly and then we got hauled into our Head of Year's office for being noisy.

We were pissing ourselves laughing in her office and our Head of Year screeched 'wipe that smirk of your faces now!', my international friend didn't understand what 'smirk' was and so actually went to wipe her mouth!!!!!!
Of course, we all cracked up even more and our Head of Year thought we were ripping the piss out of her, which made her scream at us even more lol.

Ah, those were the days.
In year 2, me + some others were making a house out of leaves and twigs and stuff (don't ask!) and were pulling bits off this tree in the playground...a teacher came over, and, seeing what we were doing to the tree started screaming. Unfortunately the others all had the sense to hide behind the bushes, so it was just me getting the full weight of her little rant! She was so scary!
when i was in year 8 or 9, we had to write this page of A4 about our life in general, so my friend and i wrote a load of crap in really big writing, like that we had sbakes, crocodiles in our house and all this stupid stuff! the teacher saw my book and shouted at me so loud- everyone was laughing at me! but she didnt say anything to my friend, so i said we were all writing like that in our books, then the teacher just screamed at me even louder and sent me out of the class. i couldn't help but laugh!!
Reply 15
In year 9-ish, I smacked a pack of crisps out of someone's hand as a joke expecting them not to drop it. Trouble is, I hit it hard enough for it to fly out of their hand and empty all over the carpet in a corridor. Naturally, we all quickly left the scene before we had to clear it up. In my next lesson, I got called out by the head of year, who apparently had walked past the mess soon after I left and found out it was me. I was made to clear up all the little bits off the floor where the crisps had been crushed and trodden into the carpet. Every single one :frown:
Reply 16
My AS chemistry class got in so much trouble and banned was from doing practical work for ages when we put a biggest lump of potassium we had down the sink.
Don't remind me.

Don't remind you of what?:p:

I've been suspended from school 3 times and the 2rd time was definately the worst telling off I've ever had.

I completely forgot that we had a lesson one afternoon, because for some reason I was under the impression that that we had a free afternoon to revise for our AS exams. So anyway, me and about 4 of my friends think to ourselves 'Hmmm. What to do? I know, let's get completely wasted.' We left school grounds, went and bought alcohol and got drunk.

Then it transpired that we did actually have a lesson. It was all very well and good. Rounders drunk is a good laugh. Unfortunately, as the hours passed somehow the day developed into a massive water fight.

The headmistress came out to try and disperse the trouble and she saw me. My eyes were all bloodshot because I'd been crying earlier. (I'm one of those really annoying people who gets all depressed when they're drunk). She asked me a question, I snapped something angrily back at her.

She wasn't best pleased, I was sent to see the school nurse and put in solitary isolation for a little while.

Then our Headmistress came to visit me and tell me off. As I mentioned earlier, I don't react all that well under the influence of alcohol. I totally flipped out at her, I smashed a cup against the wall and just completely lost control.

I ended up telling her to 'Get *****ed'. My proudest moment. :biggrin:

I was suspended and had to have random drugs tests until the end of the year. She told my mother 'Your daughter was totally out of her mind. I am aware that she tested negative for cannibis but I am completely convinced that she was not just under the influence of alcohol, there were drugs involved.'

Meh. My school's uptight.:smile:
I don't get told off very often. I don't know if it counts because it wasn't just me, but about 5 of us got told off for passing notes on postcards in the library in year 7. Just writing stupid things, then someone wrote something rude, well it wasn't really that rude, it's nothing compared to what you hear nowadays. Anyway the teacher made us all write 200 lines, something along the lines of 'we must not write rude words on postcards because it is a waste'.

The only other two times I can remember being picked out of the class and properly shouted at is when I gave someone my drink in lesson in yr7, and when I finished writing someones name neatly on their book after the teacher asked me to stop and do my work (I could hardly leave it half done). That was in year 11, and although it was quite funny it was embarassing having to stand up in front of everyone too, I went bright red!
Reply 19
One of the most hilarious telling-offs I had was with a bunch of friends for play 'It' in coridoors, we were screaming and laughing really loudly and then we got hauled into our Head of Year's office for being noisy.

We were pissing ourselves laughing in her office and our Head of Year screeched 'wipe that smirk of your faces now!', my international friend didn't understand what 'smirk' was and so actually went to wipe her mouth!!!!!!
Of course, we all cracked up even more and our Head of Year thought we were ripping the piss out of her, which made her scream at us even more lol.

Ah, those were the days.
