The Student Room Group

Pre Exam Depression

I was wondering with the A2 exams coming up- whether anyone was feeling depressed? I think I'm feeling depressed instead of stressed which seems weird.
I used to be the type of person that wanted to be out every saturday and friday night and would get annoyed if I wasn't- and I used to be really enthusiastic about everything too-(except for a period of year 10 when i was actually clinically depressed)
and now I don't wanna go out at all and aren't enthusiastic about much. I hope this is just exam stress leading to depression- not the beguinning of me being boring and depressive!

Is anyone else feeling like this?

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I am, but that is because I suffer from depression. Having said that, the stress has made it worse.

Have you been to see your GP because if you do have depression then they can offer methods (not just medication) which could help you :smile:

Try to have some 'chill' time, where you can watch a film, or do something which you really enjoy, as that can help to de-stress!

Feel free to pm me if you want to talk *huggles*
Reply 2
You'd rather be depressed than boring?
Reply 3
Tell me about it - i just feel sick thinking about it. I keep telling myself i've got 2 weeks to change everything but every time i look at questions i just feel sick.

Everything just seems so dull and mundane now; not much to look forward to :frown:
Reply 4
I feel like **** too with exams and I feel like I won't be able to do it.
It's best not to dwell on the exams, I know it's hard. But I've found that the more I dwell on the exams, the more I think "I can't remember anything" and the more I want to cry... It's good to have something planned after the exams, so you have something to look forward to :smile:
Reply 6
Thanks for your replies guys. :smile:
The thing is though- I know I can do the exams- I'm doing well on my coursework- I got into the uni i wanna go too- but I still feel depressed.
Guitargirl03- You say you suffer from depression- i think i probably do too- coz I had a really bad time of it in year 10. How often do you get it? What do u do to cope!
Reply 7
ive got my AS exams coming up very soon and im not stressed about them im just depressed at the moment,about everything thats going on in my life,it doesnt help that my family are always having a go at me about something nearly every day, i need to start revising but i cant stand being in my house with my family.
I'm just terrified I'm gonna go into the exam and not be able to answer the questions- my mind will go blank! Even though I'm revising I'm thinking "how will I remember all this?" At the moment I'm somewhere in between not caring about what happens and wanting to just finish right now and caring because if it goes wrong that will be two years of hell gone to waste and that cna't happen.
Reply 9
I just get stressed out and that amoungst other things makes me feel low but i'm fine after the first exam has been, thats until results day :afraid:
I just get stressed out and that amoungst other things makes me feel low but i'm fine after the first exam has been, thats until results day :afraid:

Yeah, I'm gonna be freaking out all the way to results day....:frown:
I get like this sometimes. I've been through depression, and it's not a nice thing at all. Try talking to your doctor, there are a lot of things they can do, not just giving you antidepressants. In the mean time, make sure you're eating correctly, and taking time to do things you want to do, not just shutting yourself up with revision. Also, try if you can to get out once in a while and get some exercise. Go for a run, a swim, a long hike, the gym, anything you fancy. It's amazing how it can help lift depression.
Reply 12
is there anything I cant do to chill? Im now in the first year of uni - the notes are impossible to remember them all, and there is too little time to think about getting depressed/stressed - much worse than doing A2. I know first year doesn't count, all I need is a pass, but I would like to do well in the exams.....
It's nice to know there are other people out there who feel the same. I have a relatively low offer (BBB) but no insurance. So if I don't make it into Bristol, I'm screwed :frown: That said, I'm hoping my AS results put me in good standing. Like G4ry says, I keep telling myself I have time left to get started, but here I am not starting!
Thanks for your replies guys. :smile:
The thing is though- I know I can do the exams- I'm doing well on my coursework- I got into the uni i wanna go too- but I still feel depressed.
Guitargirl03- You say you suffer from depression- i think i probably do too- coz I had a really bad time of it in year 10. How often do you get it? What do u do to cope!

Heylo. I have depression all the time. It's being controlled by medication, but I still have days where I feel like crap.

I also hve OCD, anxiety and stress, which doesn't help.

What do I do to cope? Well, I play the piano, which suprisingly helps. I also do something to try and relax, such as listening to music.

I just deal with it a day at a time. I'm also on the waiting list for cognitive behavioural therapy, which should also help.
Reply 15
I tend to suffer from it too for no real reason - even when I am totally unpressured by what is required of me for the exams (e.g. for an A in Maths I need 20% in my final C4 exam) and I am not even consciously worrying about the exams, although I always tend to have some kind of depression within the period. I have realised that this sort of "depression" is a product of stress and that relaxation and doing exactly what you want can work wonders.
A levels are a big big grey storm cloud over your head...but they will be over sooner then you think

what i did was write a list of all the fun things i would do in the summer

i had 15 exams last summer because my school made us do A levels and AS was the most exhausting thing id ever had to do :frown:

A levels are no fun but try and keep sane by meeting up with friends at least once a week
get some good comedy dvds to watch on your breaks between revision

you will all do fine if you put in the effort..but try and get a balance..the worst is the first exam..once you get over that youll be flying
The Mudman
It's nice to know there are other people out there who feel the same. I have a relatively low offer (BBB) but no insurance. So if I don't make it into Bristol, I'm screwed :frown: That said, I'm hoping my AS results put me in good standing. Like G4ry says, I keep telling myself I have time left to get started, but here I am not starting!

your by no means screwed, worst comes to worst..take a year a resit...earn some money....not the best option but an option that has worked for many people i know

they are not the be all and end all..i promise!
Sigh, i dont even try thinking about it because i lose my self esteem. Basically im doing 4 sciences (including maths) which IS a science lol. Im doing AS atm i cant resit i need 4A's okay im capable but my ****ing maths teacher decides at easter that its time to teach M1 in 6 weeks yay. Now my pure stuff is good but im finding M1 a struggle and its not exactly something i want to be doing at a time where i CAN NOT take resits because i want to do medicine after this. Now the ****ing uni's are going to have all my marks and whether ive done a resit not like they accept resits anyways. On top of that i have to do an aptitude test to see if im 'doctor' material before i apply to uni. Thats a factor in deciding. On top of that i have a physics practical in a few weeks where i have to do 2 experiments in 1hr 30mins an analysis of it and an evaluation. FFS how is that possible i have a booklet to complete.

I do know there are worse people of than me but i feel life is giving me a hard bargain. I have to stay 6 weeks after the exam ****ing about starting some
A2 when i have work experience to get and things to do. I just want a ****ing break from life. But noo even in the summer i have to do work in a hospital which will probably be a 9-5 job. Like i did in the easter holidays i basically did nothing but work in the easter holidays as well as having chemistry open book paper and things to revise. So yeah im feeling abit on the **** side but hey once the exams are over maybe ill collaspe with knowing i have nothing to be worried about (just the 6 weeks to think about how well ive done in the exams :angry:) If i dont get A's im gonna ****ing cry because its been a none stop work fest since ive started 6 form.

sorry just my rant of the day.
Reply 19
There's no need to get depressed - if you've got your health what else matters?